
发布时间:2022-06-12 14:08:54 阅读:121 点赞:0




I live for three passions, but overwhelmingly stng, that govern my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffeng of . These passions, like the wind, have blown me all over the sea of pain, and on the verge of despair, I have love, first, bee it bngs etasy, so great etasy, that I am willing to sacfice the rest of my life for the joy I have, and then, bee it relis loneliness, that terble loneliness fm the side of the world in trembling consciousness Finally, bee in the union of love, I saw a mysteous miniate, the foreboding imagination of noble saints and poets. This is what I psue.

Although it may be too good for human life, this is what RASTI found with an equal attitude. I seek knowledge. I want to know mene's heart.

I want to know why the stars . I try to understand the power of puttagoa. Numbers dominate this change.

A little, but not much. I gain love and knowledge, and lead me to heaven as much as possible. But it always bngs me back to the earth.

The cry of pain echoes in my heart, the gry child, the oppressed Torted victims, less old people praying to their sons for the bden of being hated. The whole world is full of loneliness and poverty. Pain is a mockery of human life.

I long to alleviate evil, but I can't, I also ende this is my life. I find it worth living. If someone gives me a chance, I will be happy to live it again.




Lao She (Chinese: Pinyin: l ǎ o sh ě, February August) is a famous Chinese wter, novelist and playwght. He is one of the most important figes in Chinese literate in the 20th centy. Perhaps the most famous is his novel Camel Xiangzi or ckshaw puller and his Manchu drama Teahouse.

Born in Beijing, he is a wter. In, poor families of the simulu ethnic gup in red banner were admitted to Beijing Normal No.3 middle school (now Beijing No.3 middle school, but had to leave after sral months due to economic difficulties). In the same year, he was admitted by Beijing Institute of education.

Dung this peod, he graduated and served as a and teacher in many pmary and secondary schools in Beijing and Tianjin. He was deeply influenced by the May 4th movement It has given me a new spit and a new literary language. I am very grateful to the May 4th movement bee it made me a wter Fm to, he continued to be a lecter in the Chinese Department of the school of Oental Studies (now the Institute of Oental and Afcan Studies), University of London.

Dung his stay in London, he absorbed a large number of English literary works and be his later novel the horse and the son.


老舍(中文:拼音:Lǎo Shě,xx月-xx月)是著名作家、小说家和剧作家,他是世纪文学中最重要人物之一,也许最著名是他小说《骆驼祥子》或《人力车夫》以及他所演满族戏剧《茶馆》。他出生在北京,是一位作家年,红旗斯穆鲁族贫困户考上了北京师范三中(现北京第三中学,但因经济困难几个月后不得不离开),同年被北京教育学院录取,他在这期间毕业,曾在北京和天津多所中小学担任人员和教员,他深受五四运动影响,“[五四运动]给了我一种新精神和一种新文学语言,我很感激五四运动,因为它使我成为了一名作家。”年至年,他继续担任伦敦大学东方研究学院(现为东方和研究院)中文部讲师在伦敦期间,他吸收了大量英国文学作品,并借鉴这些经验开始了他后来小说《马与子》创作。


Have you r thought about a world without trees? Try it. You will see that the whole world is ded up like a bken ttle shell at night. The temperate dps sharply, and the creates can't escape.

It's like they live in hell. Now we can take some effective meases to ptect the trees. Second, the government should pvide subsidies to tree gwers.

Most importantly, ry citizen must be aware of the importance of trees and remember that without trees, there is no life.




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