
发布时间:2022-04-13 06:21:58 阅读:192 点赞:0




I'll feel lonely bee I'm lonelier in central London than I am on my boat now. My life is very happy.




On December 5, Nelson Mandela, former president of South Afca and Nobel lreate Mandela, like his father, is a tbal chief. He does not want to use his social status to oppress his people. He wants to lnch a national liberation movement to black people free life.

Mandela actively participated in vaous movements, in order to fight for the ghts of the majoty of black people in the country, there was no violent resistance. He became the leader of anti apartheid and won the honor of all black people. Howr, Mandela was arrested for treason but was later acquitted.

The South Afcan government arrested him for the same reason and be to live in pson for sral years. The hard life in pson nr changed his belief in building a new Afca of equality and . He was such a great fighter that he was finally released fm pson.

He belid that the world would become peaceful and equal. There is no racial discmination here. As he said in the past, no one is born to hate others bee of their skin color, or his backgund, or his religious beliefs.

People must learn to hate. If they can learn to hate, they can be tght to love, bee in peace, love is natal than its opposite, Mandela.


xx月5,南非前总统、诺贝尔奖获得者纳尔逊·(nelson rmandela)逝世,全在为这位伟大人在他不平凡一生中,为自己国家,也为南非一个小村庄里这个世界宝宝做出了非凡贡献,和他一样是一个部落酋长,他不想利用自己社会地位他,他想发动解放运动,帮助黑人自由生活。积极参与各种运动,为了争取全国大多数黑人权利,没有暴力反抗。年,他成为反种族隔离领袖,赢得了所有黑人荣誉。




I live for three passions, but overwhelmingly stng, that govern my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffeng of . These passions, like the wind, have blown me all over the sea of pain, and on the verge of despair, I have love, first, bee it bngs etasy, so great etasy, that I am willing to sacfice the rest of my life for the joy I have, and then, bee it relis loneliness, that terble loneliness fm the side of the world in trembling consciousness Finally, bee in the union of love, I saw a mysteous miniate, the foreboding imagination of noble saints and poets. This is what I psue.

Although it may be too good for human life, this is what RASTI found with an equal attitude. I seek knowledge. I want to know mene's heart.

I want to know why the stars . I try to understand the power of puttagoa. Numbers dominate this change.

A little, but not much. I gain love and knowledge, and lead me to heaven as much as possible. But it always bngs me back to the earth.

The cry of pain echoes in my heart, the gry child, the oppressed Torted victims, less old people praying to their sons for the bden of being hated. The whole world is full of loneliness and poverty. Pain is a mockery of human life.

I long to alleviate evil, but I can't, I also ende this is my life. I find it worth living. If someone gives me a chance, I will be happy to live it again.




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