
发布时间:2022-06-01 13:23:10 阅读:225 点赞:0


关于”换作者声明“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Statement of the thor。以下是关于换作者声明小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Statement of the thor

Personal Statement Personal Statement / tobiographical Name: Fang Yan, I am a year old, male. I was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Pvince. There are three people in my family, including me.

I am the only son. My father is an electnic engineer, and my mother is an English teacher. I completed pmary school, junior high school and high school in Taiyuan, and entered Shanghai Jiaotong University to oain a bachelor's degree in comr science.

Since then, I have been working as a comr pgrammer in Shanghai Wanda company. Influenced by my father, I was interested in electnic pducts since I was a child. I like to disassemble and assemble all parts in my spare time.

I remember that I made a portable transistor radio when I was in junior high school. I also repaired TV sets and radios for my neighbors in high school. My parents tght me to make fends with people aund me and keep good manners in public.

In addition, I also learned the importance of ing others. What they need most is to do my part-time job. In addition, I like sports very much and I am in good health.

Of cose, I admit that I have some shortcomings. When I speak to a large gup of people, I will be shy and sometimes I will hesitate. But I beli that I am applying for a position and I will overcome these shortcomings in yo company A new working envinment will definitely pvide me with better opportunities to build my fute career and personality.

Thank you very much..





We must declare to you that the pduct should be inspected as a whole, otherwise the quality of the inspection can not be guaranteed. Therefore, the sample sent to you is a whole plate. Although the cost seems to be higher, we are se that only one can pve that the sample we sent to you is qualified, becse we have done a lot of domestic research and made a compason, that is to say The sample is the pduct.




Dear, we hereby inform you that we have carefully reviewed yo valuation of the car park renovation pject we plan to si with you, and we are unable to si this contract immediately becse the final appval of the cost of this nate must come fm the New York headquarters, and we expect to get appval or disagree. In the next few days, we will contact you and pvide corresponding instructions, such as If we have any dung this peod, please feel free to contact o office. Dear, we thank you very much for yo interest in submitting an idea or pposal to us.

Compared with o company, we have received many ideas, suggestions and suggestions, and have many own pjects under dlopment. If you plan to submit an idea or pposal to us, it may have been considered and / or at the planning stage Howr, we are happy to accept yo ideas or suggestions for review, pvided that a confirmation letter sied by you is attached. We understand that samples or other mateals submitted will be retned to the thor only if the postage or freight is prepaid.

The company does not accept responsibility for injy, death or loss of the samples in o possession. The company is not responsible for any untrusted information. The company only pays compensation if a) accepts its information a) b) has received it only if the thor's ideas and C) agree with the thor on the terms and conditions.

If these terms are accepted by you, please si in the place shown below and retn the above terms and conditions with yo idea or pposal very truthfully, submitted by BECBEC BECBEC.



公司只在a)接受其资料a)b)已收到情况下支付赔偿只有提交人想法和c)与提交人就条款和条件达成一致意见如果这些条款为您所接受,请在下面所示地方签字,并与您想法或提案一起非常真实地返回上述条款和条件,提交人BECBEC BECBEC。


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