
发布时间:2022-01-24 08:12:08 阅读:241 点赞:0




Is TV plus or minus? TV is not only a convenient and cheap entertainment , but also an excellent mass media. People can buy a TV set only once, and then they can sit at home and enjoy the pgrams on TV. They can watch dramas, movies, and all kinds of operas and festivals on TV by pressing a button or tning a knob In order to let us know the crent affairs at home and abad and the la dlopment of science and technolo, the most remote countes and the most strange customs are directly bught into o oms by television.

In fact, rything has become vivid and real. It's hard to imagine the modern world without TV. Some people n say that life without TV is not worth living.

Some people oppose TV. They think that the TV dience doesn't need to do anything. The dience doesn't n need to use his legs.

If he has a remote contl, many people are glued to their seats to watch the sports on TV. They are and dependent on TV pictes The higher you get, the you start to contl people's lives. As a result, television takes up too much of a person's life, him lazy, not to mention its harmful effects on people, such as violence and ography on TV.

The advantages and disadvantages of using TV oueigh the disadvantages. Different people may have different attitudes towards TV, but we must realize that TV itself is neither good nor bad. Its value to people and society depends on how we look at it.

The mass media / media's knowledge of crent nts at home and abad has actually become something to cling to, let alone violence and ography.





"Baner" is an action film directed by Camille Delamar, starng David lashapel, raphaeli and Tony Damascus. It is an upgraded version of the action film "bennier" directed by Luc Besson. It tells the story of a gup of Chicago mass destruction weapons stolen by slum drug dealers, and plays Pl Walker and undercover detective (David ·In order to ptect public safety, the thoties rescued the most dangeus cminals in this city.

"I want to put the evil heart in the forbidden area of evil, and put him in another evil corner of hell." Becse his girlfend Lola was kidnapped by Tremaine and wored about a common enemy, Damian and lino fm different worlds and backgunds decided to deal with the bck house together with Tremaine.




Last night, I watched a film about a girl's poor performance on the bus. Someone took a video of what she did and released it on the Internet the next day. The girl was condemned by the whole world.

She finally committed suicide. This film represents the violence of the Internet, which has sed people's thinking about the dlopment of Internet civilization. Nowadays, people are living in the Internet People can share information quickly, and people can get news and express their opinions on the Internet.

But judging fm the situation in these years, becse there are no regulatory rules on the Internet, some people use this stage to attack others. The most famous example is a famous Korean female star who committed suicide becse of rumors fm the Internet. Although the neork allows us to express o opinions, we should not The violence attacking other people's neork does great harm to the body.

False rumors can desty a person's mind. The person who spreads rumors should be condemned. He is like a killer without sense of responsibility.

In order to civilize people's behavior on the Internet, a law should be formulated to supervise this behavior.




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