
发布时间:2022-03-31 10:38:36 阅读:438 点赞:0


关于”传统购物弊端“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of traditional shopping。以下是关于传统购物弊端四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of traditional shopping

As one of the most popular phenomena nowadays, online shopping inevitably cses great contversy in the society. As a recent svey shows, there are far people in favor of it than in opposition to it. Some negative and positive aspects of it will be put forward in this article.

The positive aspect, compared with the traditional shopping, has csed great contversy It's very convenient and time-saving. You just need to click the mouse to wait, instead of walking or dving out. Moreover, the choice of choices than physical stores is not attractive to customers.

Although online shopping is very convenient and choices are available, obviously, we can not iore its advantages. The quality pblem is its first advantage. The common thing is that the goods are not as good as descbed on the Internet.

Customers always buy fake goods, and many customers make changes when they are not satiied with the things they buy online It's tublesome and annoying. As a college student, I like online shopping, but I hope to take effective meases to make it better. Specifically, the government should formulate stct rules and regulations to prnt infidelity and illegal activities.

Only in this way can the activities of online shopping owners be truly safe and attract and customers.




With the rapid dlopment of information technolo, online shopping and e-commerce are becoming and popular in o daily life. Now there is a discussion about whether we should go online shopping. I personally think that by good use of online shopping, we can bwse pducts on the Internet and buy vaous pducts that traditional stores may not have.

We can easily and conveniently choose We like the pducts and can pay and deliver without leaving the om. In addition, these pducts are always cheaper than those in traditional stores. The disadvantage of online shopping is that sometimes we may not see the goods before we receive them.

I think we may have the opportunity to buy infeor things. Although there may be potential sks in online shopping, there is no dou that online shopping is very beneficial and convenient for us.




With the rapid dlopment and populazation of information technolo, online shopping has become a fashion, especially among agers. Online shopping makes o daily life convenient and comfortable. For example, online shopping can save students a lot of time beeen home and store, so that they can concentrate time and ener on their academic work.

The internet shortens the distance beeen manufacters and consumers. On the other hand, we can n buy goods in other countes. The lack of face-to-face transactions makes online shopping less reliable and credible.

In my opinion, delivery will increase the sk of goods damage. Online shopping is an irrrsible trend. More and people will get used to it.

In the near fute, it will Nowadays, with the rapid dlopment of information technolo, online shopping is becoming and popular among and neork users. Young people buy books, clothes, electcal appliances and other necessities on well-known websites such as .com, ebay.com and Alibaba. This is undouedly a fashion.

Compared with traditional shopping, it is very popular Convenient, you just need to click the mouse to wait, rather than walk or dve out; second, choosing choices than physical stores is another factor that attracts customers. Howr, although online shopping is convenient and has choices, we can't iore its shortcomings. Obviously, the quality pblem is its first shortcoming.

Its common feate is that the goods are not as good as descbed on the Internet, and customers always buy fake goods. In addition, when many customers are not satiied with what they buy online, they want to change it. This is very tublesome and annoying.

I like online shopping, but I hope to take effective meases to make it better. Specifically, the government should formulate stct rules and regulations to prnt the dishonesty and illegal behavior of Online shop owners. Only in this way can online shopping be truly safe and attract and people More customers.





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