
发布时间:2022-06-20 15:42:35 阅读:489 点赞:0


关于”古代演讲稿“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ancient Chinese speech。以下是关于古代演讲稿初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ancient Chinese speech

A long time ago, in ancient China, one day, a farmer was wored that his seeds were gwing too slowly. When he retned home, he went to the field to pull up the seeds one by one. He was very tired.

"Today I am tired. He said to his family," I ed the seeds gw. "His son was very spsed.

He ran to the field to see what happened. As a result, all the seeds were withered Withered.




A long time ago, there was a little pncess named niuwa. She was the youngest dghter of Emper Yan, the ruler in ancient Chinese mytholo. The little pncess liked to watch the sunse.

She appreciated the wonders of nate. She once asked her father where the sun se. Her father said it was in the East China sea.

He pmised to take her to see the sunse. But he was too busy. One day, the little pncess cared her father's boat on her back when she left the coast Sailing to the East China Sea, unfortunately, a stng wind overtned her boat.

She was bued by the tbulent waves, and soon dwned after her death. Becse her soul often stood on the branches, she became a betiful bird with white beak and red claws, moning for herself in the voice of "Jingwei, Jingwei", which is called "Jingwei". Jingwei hates the sea very much.

In order to avenge and prnt other children fm dwning, the bird decides to fill the ang sea. Fm then on, Jingwei flew back and forth beeen the mountains and the East China Sea, carrying a ig or a pebble on his back and thwing it into the sea day after day. He nr stopped bewildeng his behavior.

The sea sarcastically said to Jingwei, "don't do this, poor bird. You will nr fill me up. This is completely meaningless," Jingwei firmly replied It will fill you up, I will.

Even if I spend thousands of years, I will fight to the end of the world. The brave bird kept carrying branches and pebbles fm the mountain to the East China Sea.





Beihai Park is located in the ban area of Beijing, on the west side of Jingshan mountain and northwest of the Forbidden City. It is composed of Beihai lake and Qionghua island. Its water area is about ten thousand hectares.

The hectare of land here was oginally the Royal "Jin Yuan" of the Five Dynasties of Liao, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.




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