
发布时间:2022-06-25 09:00:53 阅读:69 点赞:0


关于”简单自我介绍“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Simple self intduction。以下是关于简单自我介绍小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple self intduction

My name is XX years old, graduated fm XX school, my hobbies, such as extensive reading, dancing, singing and so on, I think English is very useful for us, becse many people in the world speak English, if I can speak fluent English, I can talk with them and their fends, so I hope to have the opportunity to exercise myself at home. My father has three people working in a cateng company, and my mother is I am a housewife. Sometimes I am outgoing and sometimes quiet.

I beli I can do this job well. I'm glad to meet you today. Thank you.




Good morning, fends, my name is I want to intduce myself, I was born and grew up, I am learning for my family, I have only bthers and sisters, my father is a my mother, I am a fendly person, excellent thinker, flexible work in any shift, I can work longer hos without any rest, only when I am very much about my lifestyle I am interested in many things, such as music, reading novels, watching movies. I like reading love stoes and suspense thllers. I want to impve my English.

I am very happy to have my other hobbies here, including being with my fends. I am personally interested in becoming an individual. I have many different career opportunities.

I beli that a job should be like an amate. It takes a long time to learn an animation cose. It is very difficult and requires great patience and effort.

I hope I can meet these challenges and my dream will come true, becse now I only focus on enjoyment. I am using my values, dreams and goals to be myself, so this is the "I" standing in fnt of you. Thank you.





Teachers and students: how about you? My name is this year old. I'm a student. I like English very much.

English bngs great fun to my life. I have many hobbies and interests, such as singing and dancing. But my favote is universal language English.

I hope my English can bng you fun and bng a ile to my style without leaving any for you It is the ppose of my participation in the competition. I also hope that he can use fluent English and tireless efforts to bng people who like English, English o (∩) O.




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