
发布时间:2022-07-02 09:19:26 阅读:309 点赞:0


关于”社会信任“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Social trust。以下是关于社会信任四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Social trust

You should give a bef picte of the csis, and then give a bef picte of the csis. This picte vividly depicts the csis of trust in modern society. Customers are suspicious of the quality of transactions, while sellers are wored that bills are forged.

This is a worrying social pblem, which makes people suspicious and affects social harmony. To fundamentally solve this pblem, efforts should be made to recoize the value of honesty and credit fm all aspects in the tide of commodity economy. Therefore, the government should formulate stct regulations The mass media and educational institutions should play an active le in the final restoration of mutual trust.

Everyone should impve their moral standards and cultivate a sense of responsibility to others. In short, honesty and trusorthiness is a very valuable virtue. It should be the last virtue that can be abandoned.

Everyone should pay attention to his own behavior, once the seed of evil is sown in his heart, he should immediately eradicate it.





Credit is very important to one's dlopment. Without credit, one can't get others' trust, let alone or cooperation fm others. Howr, today's society is facing a credit csis.

The lack of credit and trust beeen enterpses and banks is a seous threat to the credit and trust beeen enterpses and banks. A recent svey by the people's Bank of China shows that the total amount of des that enterpses have not paid off to banks within one year amounts to 100 million yuan. In addition, there are often lies among fends.

For example, Xiao Wang Mei's neighbor persuaded him to buy some kind of insance We have heard a lot of news reports about family members cheating on each other's interests. We should take meases to impve people's credit awareness and formulate stcter laws to restct the behavior of those who have no credit. Only in this way can we impve the credit of the whole society.




The picte of trust csis vividly depicts the csis of trust in modern society. Customers are suspicious of the quality of negotiated goods, while sellers are wored that bills are forged. This is a worrying social pblem, which makes people always have dous about others, thus affecting social harmony.

We should call on all parties to recoize the value of integty in the tide of commodity economy. On the one hand, the government should formulate stct laws and regulations to punish frd; on the other hand, mass media and educational institutions should play an active le in restong mutual trust. Everyone should impve their moral standards and cultivate a sense of responsibility to others.

In short, honesty and trusorthiness is a very valuable virtue. It should be the last virtue that can be abandoned. Everyone should pay attention to his own behavior, once the seed of evil is sown in his heart, he should immediately eradicate it.





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