
发布时间:2022-07-20 13:32:44 阅读:288 点赞:0


关于”战争不良影响“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The adverse effects of war。以下是关于战争不良影响小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The adverse effects of war

One afternoon, I went to the park to play basketball as usual and walked a pedestan street. The people in the street came and went. It was very busy.

Not far away, I saw a beggar sitting on the side of the ad, looking very lonely and less. I passed him and was sunded by yew. Many people lghed at him when they saw him.

I thought he had already done it. His diity has been put very high It should not be so cold but unexpected. When I saw that there were beggars in the cafe at night, I was spsed.

I felt very contradictory and depressed. I think where such a person made a joke on his personality and diity, which is not worth paying attention to.




We all know that comrs are widely used in the world. They have completely changed o lives. I like comrs becse they are very useful.

For example, I can easily communicate with fends fm all over the world. When I have some pblems, I can tn to the comr. Moreover, shopping online is convenient and cheap.

Comr s are becoming and popular. If they are misused, they will also have a very negative impact on human beings. For example, students' school work, pjects and employee demonstrations may have adverse effects on their real life and social life.

Therefore, although it is generally belid that comr s are harmful to people, they can still be used as a good tool if used pperly.





We recently discussed whether middle school students should have cly hair. The answer is very different. Some students agree that cly hair has no negative effect on their study.

They also say that cly hair is OK. As far as I know, the negative impact of cly hair is obvious. It will have a negative impact on their study and it will cost money.




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