
发布时间:2022-06-11 09:45:14 阅读:68 点赞:0


关于”在生活“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Living in Ameca。以下是关于在生活高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Living in Ameca

Hi, I heard that you are going to study in the United States. You are really a lucky one. I will give you some advice first.

Don't be shy and chat with yo Amecan fends. You'd better not stay with Chinese people all the time, so yo English ll will not be impved and you will have a happy life at home. They are yo "parents".

When you are in the United States, they may have some interesting activities Third, taking part in community sveys is a good way to understand Amecan thoughts. You can work in libraes and hospitals. These o methods can not only impve yo English ll, but also baden yo hozons and learn how to live in this society.

It's hard for ryone who just came to us, but after that, you can really learn a lot. I hope you don't have difficulties in dealing with these pblems and have a good time in Ameca.




Recently, will lnch a new English teaching pgram called "Amecan life", which is specially desied for English learners. It aims to middle school students learn Amecan expressions in daily life, so as to students impve their English ll. The pgram will start on January 3 ry year and can be watched on channel 2 at 5:00 p.m.

for 30 minutes and end at about 5:30, but if you miss it, don't worry, becse there will be a replay fm 9:00 to 9:30 the next morning, which is suitable for you, so we hope you will like o pgram.




In most states, 16 is the legal dving age, and students usually want to own a car whenr they have time. Some parents allow their children to dve a family car or n buy a car as a graduation gift. Others want their sons and dghters to earn enough money to buy a second-hand car, regardless of what many agers think it is, have to own a car and do rything they can to dve it.




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