
发布时间:2022-06-30 10:11:05 阅读:1074 点赞:0


关于”介绍名著“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduction of Chinese Masterpieces。以下是关于介绍名著高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction of Chinese Masterpieces

Chinese recipe: Kung Pao diced chicken ingredients: 3 / 4 lb chicken, peeled oyster sce, 1 / 2 tbsp cooking oil, all dry red pepper, garlic, celery, 1 / 2 diced red sweet pepper, cut into 1 / 2 square inch one ounce bamboo shoots, cut into slices, drain 1 teaspoon corn starch in tbsp water, 1 / 3 cup asted peanut butter: tbsp Chinese ce wine or dry sherry 1 / 4 cup Chinese black vinegar or vinegar 1 / 4 cup chicken Soup tbsp soy sce tbsp seafood sce tbsp sesame oil chili sce garlic sce tbsp sugar usage: cut the chicken into 1 inch slices, manate the chicken with oyster sce, let stand for minutes, mix the sce in a wok, heat it over high heat, add a tbsp of oil when it is hot, stir until it has fragrance, add chicken after a few seconds, fry for a few minutes, remove chicken and pepper fm the pan, add Add 1 / 2 tbsp oil and stir until fragrant. After a few seconds, add celery, sweet pepper and bamboo shoots and stir fry for 1 / 2 minutes. Put chicken and pepper back into the frying pan and fry for 1 minute.

Add the sce. Bng to a boil and add cornstarch solution. Stir until the sce thickens.

Add peanuts and stir to the skin.




- there are so few people who are impressive. Eeralda represents a betiful and kind-hearted girl. She not only has a lovely appearance, but also has the pest and kind soul.

Fm her hospitality to the poor poet, she has sent warts and feelings to jiazimo who was given to her. Howr, how kind a girl like an angel is When she lived in the most dirty envinment, she was ostracized, diculed, played with, abandoned, framed and threatened by the so-called upper class society. Finally, she completely sacficed the book.

This book descbes such a society and the status of all kinds of people in that social life, which is as numb as Fu Bi, like the rats at the bottom, like nuns hiding in rat holes, crazy vice bishops, and the ugliest clip No one tes to resist. The vice bishop of human nate and clip form a sharp contrast. Like betiful girls and suffeng people, their love is so warm and sincere.

Howr, one is to possess and the other is to be possessed and sacficed. For the ppose of possession, when the goal cannot be realized, they think that destruction is only for the ppose of sacfice, when they can make sacfice Hou, they think that destruction is just to desty themselves. I think this is the real charm of the world famous hosts.

This can be seen as a story. It rals some activities in the heart of human beings. At any time, the overall charactesti of human beings always exist.

They yearn for bety, psue bety, praise bety. People are a devil's feeling Knot, people's expeence is not the same, the society will not allow all people to enjoy the same treatment, such different treatment let many people lose balance, lost the psuit of a better life, all kinds of dirty plunder, full of o eyes, sging o soul, how can we be a mesoderm civilian, so fat, big belly, maintenance It's about the bearded face, but there's no beard on his lips. His und chin is clean and clear.

It looks like the biggest feate of his face is that there is no beard on his lips, only the newly shaved bald head, which is connected with o fat jelly like chins, and his behavior is seous, slow and gentle (Chekhov wte, Anna hanging nd the neck).




"Do you think it's nothing to you that I can stay? Do you think I'm an emotionless tomatic machine that can bear to take a mouthful of my bread fm my lips, and a dp of living water fm my cup. Do you think that bee I am poor, obsce, plain looking and short, I have no soul, no soul, you think I'm wng, I have as many souls as you. If God gives me some bety and wealth, I will It's hard for you to leave me, just like I'm leaving you now.

I don't speak to you now thugh customs, conventions, or n mundane details. My soul is speaking to yo soul as if both have passed thugh the grave. We stand at the feet of God, equally, as if we were "an angel.".




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