
发布时间:2022-09-03 14:25:40 阅读:167 点赞:0




A boy is playing football in the street. He kicked so fast that he bke the window and the ball flew straight into a house. The boy quickly ran away, becse a woman came to the window with a ball in her hand and yelled at him angly.

But the boy didn't go home. After he came back and knocked for an ho, he still wanted to get the ball back. In fnt of the door, the woman opened the door and the boy said, "sorry, my father came to repair yo window.

Can I have the ball?" "Well," said the woman, "when yo father comes to fix my window, I think I'll let you take it." A few minutes later, a man came to the door with a bag. The boy said to the woman, "he is here now." "You like to give me my ball." the woman gave him the ball. He repaired the window and ran away quickly.

The man gave her a bill. "Please give me five dollars." the man said, "but isn't the boy's father?" the woman was spsed. "Are you his mother?" Peter was a good student at school.

He was very good at his lessons, but he didn't clean his face and face His hands are often dirty. He only washes them with water. He doesn't have o soap.

Peter goes to school. When he meets his teacher, he says "hello." his teacher looks at him and says, "Peter, I know what you have for breakfast." Peter looks at his teacher and says, "eggs." his teacher says, "yo face and mouth tell me," no, you're wng, sir. "Peter says," No Today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday: Mrs.

Smith has o children, Sandy is 8 years old, and his sister Kitty is 4 years old. Sandy goes to school, but when sandy is at home, Katie does not. He often plays with Katie when his mother is cooking, washing clothes or cleaning.

Moreover, he is always fendly to his sister. On a Satday morning, he can do her quietly At work, o children were playing in the garden while their mother was cooking lunch. They were having a good time.

Suddenly, Katie be to cry and ran into the kitchen. Her mother, Mr. Smith, stopped to cook and asked, "Why are you crying, Katie." "Sandy bke my toy horse," Katie replied, crying, "how did he break it?" Mother told kitty to stop crying, but there was no answer for a moment.

Then she said, "I hit him on the head with it.".





My new English teacher is a very interesting person. She is always energetic and you will nr feel bored there. But sometimes she is also a stct teacher.

When someone doesn't hand in her homework, she will be very angry. But generally speaking, I still like her class. In her class, we always think it goes fast and relaxed.




One hot and sunny afternoon, three boys went to the ver. They were going to fish there. On the way thugh a green field, there was an old wooden fence.

The bull was eating quietly in the field. "Ha ha ha, look at the lazy old cow." the boy ced, "isn't he stupid?" Another boy said with a ile. The boys picked up some stoners and threw them into the bulls.

The Bulls looked at the boys. The boys continued to eat. The boys lghed and walked away.

Soon the boys got to the ver. They took off their clothes and jumped into the water. They swam and played for about an ho and ded in the sun.

Then they climbed up a tall tree with many sweet apples on it. Tracy ate a lot, Their pockets were full of fruit, and then they be to climb down the tree to get their money. They saw a bull standing beside the tree.

The bull was very anxious. This was the bull they saw on the way to the ver. The children didn't dare to come down.

Now they looked silly: "in class, the teacher spent half an ho telling the students how terble hell is. When he asked his students," who wants to go to hell? "No one raised their hands. The teacher was very glad that the teacher spent another half ho telling the students how wonderful heaven was.

Then he asked the students," hands up. "Why don't you want to" go to heaven " "Don," the girl replied, "if I don't go anywhere, I can't go anywhere. If I don't do my homework, my mother tells me that I have to do things ght now, and then I can enjoy my life," the first question she asked me was: (at this moment).




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