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关于”爱与宽容“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Love and tolerance。以下是关于爱与宽容高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love and tolerance

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the emotions lived: happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love. One day, one day, someone announced to the emotion that the island would sink, so all the people built boats and left. In addition to love, love was the only one who stayed.

Love wanted to hold on to the last possible moment when the island almost sank Love decided to ask for . Richness passed by love in a big boat and said, "wealth, can you take me with you?" fortune replied, "no, I can't have a lot of gold and silver on my boat. There's no place for you here." Love decided to ask Vanity who also went thugh a betiful boat, "vanity, please me." "I can't you, love you are wet and may damage my boat," Xu said "Oh, I can't n tell you how happy I am when I'm alone with an old man." Oh, I'm so happy to hear a love call fm an old man, When the old man realized how much money he owed the old man, he asked knowledge.

Another elder, "who ed me?" "it's time," knowledge replied, "time asks love." but why does time me? With a ile of deep wisdom, knowledge replied, "becse only time can understand the value of love.".




Fendship is an indispensable part of human life. A person without a fend is an angel without wings. His life will suffer fm loneliness and depression for a long time.

Fendship is the mother of o soul. When a child is ht, she will warm her child. We have a lot of things to share with o fends, confusion, excent, pain and so on.

Alas, keep true It's a wonderful fendship. If you want to make a fend, you need a lot of special qualities. First of all, you need to know each other.

Only when we get to know each other better can we get a true and meaningful fendship. We can find o common interests. This kind of closeness makes us closer and closer.

There is also a special kind of love, which seems endless. When yo fend encounters difficulties, you should not hesitate to express yo sincere concern and kindness to him / her. Love is not selfish.

Love is given to us by God. We should chesh o life. God's tolerance is the third important part of fendship.

We are completely different people. This individual difference It may cse conflicts beeen us in ry aspect of o lives. Don't let us immerse oselves in this kind of pain for too long.

Try to tolerate him / her. In an intspective mood, saints are not perfect, let alone ordinary people like us. We should get a good communication, nr shy of admitting o self / understanding, love and tolerance are the fnt of true fendship The three elements also include consideration, trust and patience.

Remember, fendship is the guardian of yo heart. Chesh it.





I nr give up and win. About faile, I will lose on my career path. Becse I am a girl graduated fm secondary school, so now I am a undergraduate.

For me, I have no tears in my workplace, no bitterness. In the cold and warm times, I like to dnk a glass of wine. Howr, I think that what I have been left with is not hate, not scolding, not evil, not hating the world, but Love warm and cold, when others are cold, put on a coat, give them some encoagement words, a bottle of juice in the past, a clr dialogue, most of the time, feelings, career, if you want to o-way harvest, may have to pay much than others.

I am very lucky, encountered a lot of work is impossible, but, this ad is very bad at the earliest time, I After a lot of tbulations, I be to reflect on myself again and again, what should I do to minimize the sk. Howr, I finally understood that some things were not done well. I bowed anyway and left, but I always said at a certain time that it might be really bad.

My mother and I were exhsted, and so on. My sister talked and lghed, and fm a gentle back, this ad is a good way The ad full of tears, becse there is no college degree, has been despised, isolated, humiliated and secretly diculed. In short, I have expeenced a lot along the way, I have changed a lot of work, and I can't remember.

Maybe there are I don't hate anyone. Everyone has the gwth track of ryone. O generation of only child has too many habits that are unfavorable In this mode, "I bke my leg and stood up, and my knee was than once".

I don't know how to tell you that there is no siificance of faile for a person with a college degree. Howr, I have nr really belid in myself. I have been thinking that I will work for stability, that is to say, I don't know what kind of ad is waiting for me, but, I think, for a few years After that, I will go straight to the ght track.

I like the stable work that I will put down. I don't have too much ding, and I don't hate this kind of expeence. I want to tell you one thing with nearly ten years of gwing up expeence: seously try to do things, then, forget the past, don't live with hate, and life with love is full of joy and love.

In this article, I dilute the success and loss The concept of faile, the composition of the world, should not be composed of hate, but there should be full of love, tolerance and tolerance.




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