
发布时间:2022-06-15 07:44:56 阅读:457 点赞:0


关于”蛋浮起来实验“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The expement of egg floating。以下是关于蛋浮起来实验高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The expement of egg floating

When I got up this morning, my mother was prepang to boil eggs. She put some water and fo eggs in the pot, then put the lid on the lid, and then tned on the gas stove. The water boiled for about ten minutes.

Finally, the eggs were ready.




Under the knowledge tree in paradise garden, there is a se. Here, in the first se, a bird is born. Its feathers are very betiful, its song is betiful, and its flight is like a flash.

But when Eve picked the fruit of the knowledge tree, she and Adam were dven out of heaven, a spark fell fm the bning sword, and the angel entered the bird's nest and lit it. The bird was in the fire The legend tells us how he lived in Arabia, and how he bned himself in his nest ry centy. But ry time, a new Phoenix, the only bird in the world, flew out of the red egg and was as agile as light Betiful colors and betiful songs.

When a mother sits by the cradle of a baby, he sits on a pillow and uses his wings to a glory on the child's head. He flies over the contented om and bngs the sun into the om. He makes the violets on the cupboard ell very fragrant.

But the Phoenix is not an Arabian bird. In the ilight of the northern lights, he flies over the Lapland plain, jumps in the yellow flowers of Greenland under the copper mountain of Fallon, and in the coal mines of England, he flies in the hymn book in the hands of devout miners in the form of moths Fly by. He was floating in the holy waters of the Ganges, floating on a lotus leaf, and the eyes of Hindu m bghtened when they saw him.





A real story happened on a bus. The world is full of emotion, but sometimes I don't think so. For example, last Fday, when I went home by bus, I saw an old woman sitting next to me.

Her hair was white. She looked all and thin. To my spse, she had a big bag on her lap, which was full of eggs.

At that moment, the old lady carefully looked at the eggs, and the conductor asked her to buy tickets. The old lady gave the conductor one yuan, but it was not enough. The conductor said, "only one yuan.

Don't you know the pce is sing?" "I'm sorry, I only have one dollar. I remember last time I spent a dollar, but why this time it's o dollars." "the last time belongs to the last time, this time belongs to this time in general. Do you have any money?" the conductor said angly, blushing, "but I really only have one dollar.

I don't have enough money with me. I hope." Can you beli me? Oh, I have a lot of eggs. Can I give you an egg as compensation? The old woman begged "No." the conductor yelled, "if you don't have money, I don't need yo eggs." you have to get out of the car immediately.

"I was spsed to find that I didn't think the conductor was a kind woman. I quickly gave my one dollar to the conductor. The old lady was very grateful to me.

She wanted to give me eggs, but I refused. I think it's o duty to others. Don't you think so.





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