
发布时间:2022-06-23 16:14:23 阅读:289 点赞:0


关于”商务报盘“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Business offer。以下是关于商务报盘六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Business offer

Since no one can do business at such an unreasonable high pce, you must reduce the pce. At least I'm afraid we will place a tal order with you on the premise that you only give us Commission, and the pce reduction will exceed the ability to attract customers to buy yo pducts. If o offer is like this, we will ask you to reduce the pce.

If we order than one, we hope you can give us O special discount.




BEC't is the early bird that the worm a bird in hand is value o in the Bush a bird is known by it note, and man by his Talk is a sick bird. It fouls its nest, and the eagle flies alone. But sheep gather together.

A kite will nr be a good eagle. Without the temptation of eagles, cws think that their birds are the most betiful. Cws will nr be whiter becse of washing themselves.

No matter where the body is, cws will gather together.


BEC BEC(剑桥商务英语证书becucles BEC't is the early bird that the worm A bird in hand is value o in the bush A bird is known by It note,and man by his talk是一只病鸟,弄脏了自己巢鹰独自飞翔,但是羊群聚在一起一只风筝永远不会是一只好鹰空手没有鹰诱惑乌鸦认为自己鸟最漂亮乌鸦永远不会因为洗自己而变得更白,无论在哪里,乌鸦都会聚集在一起。


BEC bec (Cambdge Business English certificate) A person will nr lose anything becse of politeness. When you have it, hold on to it. When you have it, the good fish in the sea will continue to slide out of it (many things fall beeen the cup and lips).

It is a bad wind. No one will bng good health than wealth. Health is a good thing.

A healthy body is worth than gold. A healthy mind is healthy Kang's body is healthy, mind is long bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei Bebek .


BEC BEC(剑桥商务英语证书becucles BEC BEC一个人永远不会因为礼貌而失去任何东西当你拥有它时候,紧握它当你拥有它时,海中好鱼一如既往地从中冒出许多滑(许多东西落在杯子和嘴唇之间)是一种坏风,没有人会吹来好健康比财富健康更幸福是一种好东西健康身体比黄金更值钱健康心灵健康身体健康心灵长寿bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei贝贝克。


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