
发布时间:2022-08-11 12:15:32 阅读:359 点赞:0


关于”最喜欢及感受“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Favote movies and feelings。以下是关于最喜欢及感受考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favote movies and feelings

I saw a movie called high school music. After watching it, I felt very happy and moved. This is an Amecan movie.

It tells the life of Amecan high school students. Amecan students are very different fm o Chinese students. They face life full of ener, extraccular s are very ch and colorful, a very betiful girl named Gabella rush, at first, she was not confident in singing, but a boy told her that she sang very well, and then they sang happily together.

I think as long as you try yo best, no matter whether you lose or not, you will nr regret it. You must always beli in oselves.





Everyone has his or her own favote color. I have three favote colors pink. Blue and red pink are soft colors.

It can make me feel warm and gentle. I also like to wear pink clothes. I think it is the most betiful color of all blue.

It is a peaceful and pe color. It is selected as the color of sky and water. It looks clean and it can make my heart relaxed Feeling that red is the color of passion and happiness, without which the earth will be empty, there is another reason: becse the Chinese flag is red, I love my motherland, so I love red.

What is yo favote color? I think if you don't like these colors, when you read my article, you will like me, like these colors:.




Oh, my God, I nr thought about gwing up in Tennessee. One day I would stand at the Oscars. I want to say that Johnny Cash and Johnny Carter always like to give awards to other artists, musicians and singers.

I feel this tradition again tonight. This award is very important. I can feel its weight, so I want to thank the Amecan Academy of Arts for giving me this giant I'm very grateful to James goody, who made this film with a lot of coage, and I really want to thank her and me for this movie I'm lucky to be able to do it.

Thank you for the Academy aperte.




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