
发布时间:2022-06-23 10:30:11 阅读:207 点赞:0


关于”机械师“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Film mechanic。以下是关于机械师考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Film mechanic

I hear the United States sing, I hear all kinds of Cals, I hear the cals of mechani, ryone sings his own song, becse it should be pleasant and stng, the carpenter sings his song when he meases the board or beam, the stonecutter sings his song when he is ready to work or after work, the boatman sings what belongs to him on his boat, the deckman sings on the steamboat deck, and the shoemaker sits Singing on the bench, Hatter standing singing, woodcutter's song, farmer's song, mother's, young wife's, sewing or lndry girl's betiful song on the ad in the morning, at noon or at sunset, ryone sings what belongs to him or her but not to others. Everything belongs to the gatheng of young people in the day and at night, and sings their stng and fendly voice sweet song.




A mechanic is removing a cylinder head fm the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he sees a famous heart sgeon in his shop. The sgeon is waiting for the to come and see his bike. The mechanic yells heydoccan fm as the garage.

I want to ask you a question. The sgeon is a little spsed when he walks up to the mechanic to fix the motorcycle I put my hand straight on a rag and looked askance at the engine. I opened its heart valve.

When I finished its work, it was like new. So why do I get such a all salary and you get a lot of money? When you and I do the same job, the sgeon iles. He leans over and whispers to the mechanic, trying to start it Do it with the machine running.




If I live on another star ry day, I get up early, becse there is not much water in this land, I have to find enough water to svive. I have no fends, only mechani, and little food. Becse this is not the earth, we have to plant rything in the water.

The stars are so lonely that I miss the earth.




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