
发布时间:2022-08-29 13:47:00 阅读:990 点赞:0


关于”麻婆豆腐做法“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The practice of Mapo Tofu。以下是关于麻婆豆腐做法雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The practice of Mapo Tofu

Methods: cut tofu into cm square cks, po water into the pot, and spray a little salt out of the fire, and then add the tofu pot to stir fry for minutes, and then put the spare hot oil in the frying pan, and wait for the hot oil to po into PM (hand in hand) Add minced meat and fry at will. After offsheng is born, take out Pixian Douchi chili and chop it into a all oil pan (I'm lazy. I didn't cut it into a diamond and po it into the oil pan again.

When heating, add Pixian chili pepper. When seasoning, add red pepper powder and Douchi. After oil, add apppate amount of soup (or water into the charred tofu, add soy sce, water starch once, minced meat and chicken) The meat and the starch after o minutes of charng.

After collecting the juice, put it into a bowl and spnkle with pepper.




Cuisine: Sichuan is one of the most influential local dishes in China today. This dish, Mapo Tofu, is named after its creator, a freckled woman living in Chengdu ding the Qing Dynasty. Without it, Sichuan cuisine would be incomplete.

The bean cd is tender, the minced beef is cspy, and the fresh onion juice is calm and spicy.




Recipcating: the recipcation is rated Rep Time:minutesCook Time :minutesTotal Time:MinutesServices : 4ing redients manade: ounces of minced soy sce soy sce corn starch sce: cup water 1 / 2 sesame oil 1 tsp vegetable oil tbsp garlic sesame sce 1 / 4 tsp Sichuan pepper powder, ast 1 / 4 cup chopped water chestnut green onion, cut and cut into 1 / 2 inch all pieces of packaging ounces) soft tofu, drain water, cut into 1 / 2 inch cube. In a all bowl, po enough warm water over the mushom to make it completely soft. Take about a few minutes to remove the water, discard the stem, chop the lid, and ughly manate the pork: stir the minced pork, stir together soy sce and corn starch until n.

Prepare the sce: put the water, soy sce and sesame oil together in a all bowl, heat the pan with high heat until it is hot, add oil, then tate, coat both sides with garlic, stir until fragrant, add pork, hot bean paste and pepper, stir fry until the pork is soft, po the sce into the frying pan after minutes, then add chestnuts and green onions, and slide the tofu into the pot Stir gently until the sce thickens. Spoon the tofu and sce on the plate. Serve hot.


往复式:对该往复式进行评级Rep Time:minutesCook Time:minutesTotal Time:MinutesServices:4ingRedients腌料:盎司末豆酱酱大豆酱玉米淀粉酱汁:杯水1/2麻油1茶匙菜油汤匙蒜茸麻酱1/4茶匙川椒粉,烤1/4杯切碎水栗子绿洋葱,切好并切成1/2英寸小块包装盎司)软豆腐,沥水,切成1/2英寸立方。说明在小碗里把足够温水倒在蘑菇上,使其完全浸软,大约几分钟时间去水,弃去,切碎盖子,粗略地腌制猪肉:搅拌碎猪肉,酱油和玉米淀粉一起搅拌直到均匀。准备好酱汁:把水、酱油和芝麻油一起放在一个小碗里,用大火把锅加热到热时候,加入油,旋转,把两边涂上大蒜,搅拌到香味四溢,再加入猪肉,热豆沙和胡椒粉,翻炒至猪肉变软,至分钟后将酱汁倒入炒锅中,加入栗子和大葱搅拌,将豆腐滑入锅中,轻轻搅拌,使豆腐沾上酱汁并加热,分分钟倒入溶解玉米淀粉,轻轻煮沸,搅拌至酱汁变稠,用勺子把豆腐和酱汁舀在盘子里,趁热食用。


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