
发布时间:2022-07-10 07:53:41 阅读:250 点赞:0




Three lazy children Jacob and William Gmm, a king who had three sons, loved them equally, and he did not know which of them should be appointed king after his death. When he was dying, he called them to bed and said, "Dear children, I have one thing in mind. I want to tell you who the laziest of you will be.

After me, the king said," father, then the kingdom belongs to me, becse I am too lazy. Whenr I lie down and sleep, and a tear falls in my eyes, I will not n close my eyes to sleep; second kingdom. " Wang said, "heavenly Father, the kingdom belongs to me, becse I am too lazy.

When I sit by the fire to warm myself, I would rather let my third one say," father, the kingdom is mine, becse I am too lazy. If I want to be hanged, I have already tied the pe aund my neck. If someone puts a sharp knife in my hand and cuts the pe, I will let myself be hanged, not when my father hears this He raised his hand to grasp the pe and said that you had gone the farthest and would be king.




·For us, on the one hand, it is very important. On the other hand, we have come up with many ways. First, as long as the second and third facts are concerned, it is becse a seous pblem facing China now is based on an investigation.

Therefore, it is obvious that this is and seous. For example, on the one hand, people have put forward the following listed s On the other hand, there is no dou that this pblem has already had a harmful impact. Therefore, we should first take some meases to solve this pblem.

In addition, only thugh these meases can we hope to solve this pblem.




A touching story one day, a poor boy went door to door selling things. He found that he had only a dime left. He was gry, so he decided to go to the next house to beg for food.

Howr, when a lovely young woman opened the door instead of asking for a glass of water, he lost his coage. He thought he was looking at it and was gry. She bught him a large glass of milk, drank it slowly, and then asked, "how much do I owe you?" "you owe me nothing," she replied, "my mother tght me nr to accept rewards for good deeds," he said, "and then I started Thank you fm the bottom of my heart.

"When howard kelly left the house, not only did he feel stnger, but it also increased his faith in God and human beings. Before that, he would give up and give up. The grea happiness in his life was the conviction that we were loved for many years.

The young woman was ctically ill. The local doctors were puzzled and they finally sent her to the big city, where they could Experts were asked to study her rare disease, and now famous Dr. Howard Kelly was asked to consult.

When he heard the name of the town she came fm, a strange light immediately filled his eyes. He stood up and walked thugh the hospital hall into her om. He went in to see her in his doctor's be.

When he retned to the consultation om, he was determined to do his best to save her life fm that day. After a long struggle, he paid special attention to her situation, and Dr. Kelly asked for consultation The Ministry of affairs gave the final bill to him for appval.

He looked at it and wte something on the side. The bill was sent to her om and she was afraid to open it becse she was se it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill cght her attention, and she read the words, "concentrate on a glass of milk." Dr.

Howard Kelly was tearful with joy, and she prayed silently, "thank you, God, yo love has spread thugh the hearts and hands of .".






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