
发布时间:2022-06-25 07:09:36 阅读:427 点赞:0




Dear SIRIM Li Hua fm Fujian, when I read the advertisement, I was deeply impressed by the ppose of this activity. I think it is very enlightening to learn to live by living together. For an only child like me, it's a good opportunity to learn to share and work together, so I don't hesitate to recommend myself to you > > as an outgoing boy, I'm good at English and have expeence working with children fm to years old.

I think it's a fendly or win-win way. On the one hand, I can take care of children, on the other hand, I can take care of children On the one hand, I can impve my English, make fends and ench my life in summer.


:亲爱来自福建李华(sirIm Li Hua),当我读广告时,这次活动目给我留下了深刻印象,我认为通过共同生活来学会生活是很有启发。对于像我这样独生子女来说,这是一个学习分享和共同工作好机会,因此,我毫不犹豫地向您推荐我自己>>作为一个外向男孩,我擅长英语,并且有与从岁到岁孩子一起工作经验,我认为这是一种友好或双赢方式活动一方面,我可以帮助照顾孩子,另一方面,我可以提高我英语,交更多朋友,丰富我生活在夏天。


Singapore Dear Mr. or Ms. Li Hua, I am a middle school student fm China.

I learned on the Internet that yo summer camp will be held in Singapore. I am very interested in the summer camp. I am very active and like all kinds of activities, so I will join in soon.

I know that communication skills are very important. I can speak fluent English. In addition, in yo camp, there are many students fm different countes.

Therefore, I can communicate with students fm all over the world. I can not only intduce them to China, but also learn about their country. I look forward to yo reply and greetings, Li Hua.




In July this year, I graduated fm pmary school. I was admitted to a good middle school. Therefore, I spent a happy and leise summer vacation in the middle of July.

I participated in a summer camp about English. In the summer camp, we all like English very much. We study and play a lot of activities together.

We try o best to integrate oselves into this big family. We talk in English. If we really don't know how to express in English, we can seek .

O teachers are so great, they can us a lot, they are so active To make us behave like them. I'm very happy to take part in this activity.




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