
发布时间:2022-07-02 15:40:20 阅读:165 点赞:0


关于”最大城市之一“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:One of the largest cities。以下是关于最大城市之xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One of the largest cities

Miami Miami (Miami) is located in the southeast corner of Biscayne Bay in the United States, beeen Floda Floda swamps and the Atlantic Ocean. It is the second largest city in the United States after Jacksonville and the largest city in Miami Dade County. The county is located in the metpolitan area of southern Floda and the largest city in the metpolitan area, including Miami Dade County, Bward County and palm beach The largest metpolitan area is the southeast of the United States, one of the foth largest metpolitan areas in the United States, and has the "capital of Ameca".




Guangzhou is the capital of Guangzhou, the largest city in South China and one of the most important cities in Guangdong. Guangzhou has a population of over one million. Just like many cities, there are many cars, buses and trucks, so the air is not clean.

Guangzhou is a noisy and cwded city, but I like it best bee Guangzhou is my home.




Coloe fm Wikipedia, free encyclopedia to: navigation, search for "K ü LN" to redirect to other uses here, see Coloe Schramma (CDU) basic statistical area km? Sq mi) altitude m ft) population density / density / km? / sq mi) d in the other information time zone of CET / CEST (UTC + 1 / + license plate number area code (K ü lnporz) website: wwwstadtkoelnde ordinates: ° 0 ″ n ° 0 ″ E / coloe (German: K ü ln (info) IPA: [K œ ln] local dialect: K ü LLE [ˈ K œ ɫ ə] is the foth largest city in Germany after Berlin, Hambg and Munich. It is the largest city in the Rhine River Basin in the northern German Federation and the largest city in the Rhine metpolitan area. The Rhine metpolitan area is one of the major metpolitan areas in Eupe, with than 10 million residents.

It is one of the oldest cities in Germany. Coloe was founded by the Romans in a year B.C. and was granted the status of "city" to Rome.

This year, adcoloe was located on the Rhine River. The city's famous Coloe Cathedral (K ü LN) was the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Coloe. The University of Coloe was one of the oldest universities in Eupe.

Coloe was a major cultal center of Rhineland with a vibrant artistic landscape. Coloe has a number of museums and dreds of gallery exhibitions, fm the local ancient Roman archaeological sites to contemporary graphi and sculpte. The city's fair venues host a number of trade shows, such as the Coloe art exhibition, the international exhibition Coloe Fnite Exhibition (IMM) and the Coloe Photography Exhibition (photokina) Coloe is also known as an important media center for its Coloe carnival, Eupe's largest annual Reggae summer Carnival and LGBT Festival Chstopher Street Day (D in Germany, Coloe is known as an important media center.

A number of radio and television stations, including westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR RTL and VOX), are located in the city. The city also hosts the Coloe Comedy Festival, which is considered to be the largest Comedy Festival in continental Eupe. Coloe, together with Pope Benedict XVI, CO hosted the Ninth World Youth Day of the Roman Catholic Chch, one of the largest conferences r held with than one million participants.


科隆从维基百科,免费百科全书到:导航,搜索“Köln”重定向到这里其他用途,参见科隆(消除其他用途歧义,参见Köln(科隆科隆大教堂与Hohenzollern BdgeCoat of arms Location istration Country Germany State North Rhinewestphali region科隆区城区F Schramma(CDU)基统计面积km²sq mi)海拔m ft)人口密度/密度/km²/sq mi)创建于CET/CEST其他时区(UTC+1/+车牌号-区号(KölnPorz)网址:wwwstadtkoelndecordinates:°0〃N°0〃E/科隆(德语:Köln(info IPA:[Kœln]当地方言:Kölle[ˈKœɫə是继柏林、汉堡和慕尼黑之后德国第四大城市,它是德国联邦北部莱茵河流域最大城市,也是莱茵河都市圈内最大城市。莱茵河都市区是欧洲主要都市区之一,拥有1000多万居民。它是德国最古老城市之一,科隆由罗马人在公元前xx年建立,被授予罗马“城市”地位。

这xx年,阿德科隆位于莱茵河畔,这座城市著名科隆大教堂(Köln)是罗马科隆大主教所在地科隆大学(Universität zu Köln)是欧洲最古老大学之一科隆是莱茵兰一个主要文化中心,有着生机勃勃艺术景观。科隆拥有多家博物馆和数百家画廊展览,从当地古罗马考古遗址到当代图形和雕塑。该市交易会场地举办了许多贸易展,如科隆艺术展、国际展览科隆家具展(IMM)和科隆摄影展(Photokina Coloe)也因其科隆嘉年华、欧洲最大年度雷鬼夏季嘉年华和LGBT节克里斯托弗街(D德国境内,科隆被称为重要媒体中心,多家广播电视台,包括Westdeutscher Rundfunk(WDR RTL和VOX)都设在该市,该市还举办了科隆喜剧节,该节被认为是欧洲大陆最大喜剧节。



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