
发布时间:2022-08-27 11:47:43 阅读:157 点赞:0


关于”感谢信“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Thank you letter。以下是关于感谢信六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you letter

Dear uncle, Hello, an English speaking con will be held in this city next week. One of my clasates, I will represent my school. I am very excited, but also very happy, becse this is a good opportunity to impve my English ll, but I have no expeence.

Although I have been prepang for the con, as an English expert, I still have no confidence, What can you suggest for me to prepare for the ? I plan to visit you this Satday morning. I wonder if you are free. If not, can you tell me when it is convenient for you? I'd love to get yo guidance and I'll thank you for any yo niece, bayberry.


求救信 亲爱叔叔, 你好…下周一个英语演讲比赛将在这个城市举行,我一个同学,我将代表我学校参加,我很兴奋,但也很高兴,因为这是一个很好机会来提高我英语水平,但我没有经验,虽然我一直在准备比赛,作为一名英语专家,我仍然没有信心,你能建议我为比赛做些什么准备?我计划这个星期六早上去拜访你我想知道你是否有空如果没有,你能告诉我你方便时间吗?我很想得到你指导我将感谢你任何帮助你侄女,杨梅。


Judge me, O Lord, for I walk upghtly, and I trust in the Lord. So I will not slip. Look at me, O Lord, and my heart.

For yo lovingkindness is before my eyes, and I have done yo truth. I did not sit with the vain, nor with those who blaspheme me me and hate the congregation; I will wash my hands in innocence, when I speak of the wicked and do not sit with the wicked. I will sund yo altar, O Lord, and pclaim with the voice of Thanksgiving all yo wonderful works.

Lord, I love yo dwelling place and the place where you live in honor. Do not gather my soul with sinners or with my life. Mischief is in the hands of bloodletting men, and their ght hands are full of bbes; but as for me, I will do what is ght, redeem me, and have mercy on me.

It is just that my feet stand in the assembly. I will praise the Lord.






A letter to XXX, thank him for his award in the English speech con. Hello, how time flies. I haven't seen you for a while becse of yo efforts in oral English training.

Now I know that you have won the first pze of English envinment. This sentence pves the famous saying "no pain, no gain". So let me first express my sincere congratulations to you By the way, my oral English ll is very low.

Compared with you, I hope you can guide me and give me some ways to speak English. I know you have trained some Chinese English learners. You can learn fm each other with them.

If necessary, you mind if I make fends with them. Please take me to yo real address as soon as possible,.




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