
发布时间:2022-07-18 07:52:20 阅读:209 点赞:0


关于”用给朋友介绍自己家乡“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduce yo hometown to yo fends。以下是关于用给朋友介绍自己家乡高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo hometown to yo fends

Time flies, years go by. Only o fendship is always in my heart. Goodbye, my fend, take care of my fend, my fend, you like stars.

If you feel lonely, far away fm home, look up at the stars in the sky, where I give you the lucky star. Life is a bad and pfound book, other people's notes can not replace yo own understanding. May you find and new things in it.

Don't be disappointed in the joney of life. There are fends in the world. Seize the opportunity and chesh it.

May o fendship last forr. Time does not dilute the wine of fendship. Distance does not separate o eager hands.

I wish you happiness. I have three wishes. May o fendship warm the happiness in o hearts and always be with you.

We often meet and miss each other like a thread, connecting you and my end together. http://zhidaobiducom/question/html.








Dear zhang Hua, I am very glad to receive yo letter. I am wting to thank you for yo concern and tell you about my study and life since I entered senior three. First of all, great changes have taken place in my study.

I work harder than r to prepare for the college entrance examination. We have to face a lot of s ry day. I feel a lot of presse.

Sometimes I n lose sleep at night. What's , I am busy with my study. I don't have time for my hobbies, let alone play comr s as before.

Howr, I decided to adjust myself to senior three in the pcess of study. I will make good use of my time, keep a balance beeen study and rest, and study efficiency. I beli that it can be impved and my dream will come true.




If you walk out of the om and realize that yo parents have moved, you don't know when it happened, and yo bookmark list will take a few minutes fm top to bottom. Yo nightmares are all wtten in HTML and GIF. Tn off the modem and you'll have a terble sense of emptiness, just like you've just unplugged yo loved one, and you'll start intducing yoself as "Jim at net dot com.".

Every time you see a new www website address on TV, yo heart beats faster and irregularly. When you leave the om, you tn on the walkie talkie so you can hear new mail coming. Yo wife is weang a golden wig on yo monitor to remind you what she looks like, and all of yo fends have @ in names.

When you see a page full of links fm other people, you notice that they have highlighted yo dog in pple. You can't call yo mother. She doesn't have a modem.

You check yo email It says "no new news," so you check yo phone bill again. It's like a bck. You do yo homework in HTML.

Give yo instructor a web address where you don't know the gender of yo three closest fends, becse they all have neutral nicknames, and you nr bother to ask yo huand, who has been gwing a beard for months. You wake up in the morning to go to the bathom and stop to check yo email on the way back to bed. You tell kids they can't use comrs becse "Dad has a job to do" - n if you don't have a job, you're going to buy Captain Kirk's chair with a built-in keyboard and mouse, and yo wife has a new rule, "the comr can't sleep." you tattoo it and it says, "it's best to watch this body in Netscape or later.".

When you call an ISP, you nr have to deal with busy sials becse you nr log off. The last girl you pick up is just a GIF, so you ask the plumber how much it costs to replace the chair in fnt of yo comr with a toilet. Yo wife says that communication is important in marage, so you buy another comr and install a second phone line so that when yo car crashes, you can talk The fence on the mountain ad, yo first reaction is to search for the "back" button.


如果你走出房间,意识到你父母搬家了,你不知道什么时候发生了,你书签列表从上到下需要几分钟时间。你噩梦都是用HTML和gif编写。关掉调制解调器,你会有一种可怕空虚感,就像你刚给心爱人拔掉电源一样你开始介绍自己为“Jim at net dot com”。




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