
发布时间:2022-08-20 08:34:53 阅读:164 点赞:0




In the pcess of people's gwth, I will expeence many things: success, faile, I seem to gw up very ordinary expeence, howr, faile has benefited me all my life, I want to know why I still listen to it carefully today, the mathemati teacher with his consistent stng tone let us talk about yesterday's exam, I got the paper, looked at the score, red, my tears almost came out "Score, my God, you know, I've nr got such a low score. Besides, I'm still a math teacher on the stage. Under the rustling sound of err correction, my hands are moving, but my mind is so sad that it's like a bottle that knocks over my heart.

So, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, the dark clouds outside the window come to my mind, and my heart has already fallen Rain, God seems to sympathize with me, finally, the teacher announced the beginning of school, I still woodland sat there, gave me a chance, at the same table, "why don't you go first" I said bitterly, but his heart was ht by the teachers' emptiness. I picked up my schoolbag and then slowly walked out of the classom. The classom is already a scene I slowly into the rain fog, rain suddenly sunded me, he did not feel, until I stopped crying, found that he has become a "Rain Man" walking, walking, I suddenly feel a slip, and then fell to the gund is a mud pit, passers-by will react fm time to time, "you say this young man" "Hey, can't " this sentence I listen, my heart is not good.




The light dances and sings in the distant wheat field with a low whisper. The sunlight cli the dge of the mountain and decorates the grass on the tree ry day. At the last moment of the sun, like the vast ocean, the sunlight penetrates thugh the grass, and the bght light s on the earth.

The gentle sun spnkles on the earth. It flows on the grass, only in fnt of you, and a moment of flowers Nestle Yo happy self-confidence, sun with sweet wings in the breeze lgh, birds in the clear voice, will fish fm the bottom of my heart, playing in the Internet, in the betiful paradise happily hope for quality, I am in love, the hope of gwth, the seed of hope is full of sun, I gw up happy just like I played in the playgund since childhood, sitting on the ller coaster Expeence on the island, feel the mantic at home for, bump into a car in the amusement park crash is happy, with my gwth, although sometimes very tired, but his heart was moved, always happy, that is the happy sun I grew up, my happy gwth is happy, regardless of the sweet and bitter memoes, are very happy Spng Festival Gala, my fends and fends I chase nd in the yard, this is a happy summer, eating watermelon, this is a happy tumn, alone in the dead leaf path, looking at the blue sky, it is so happy, becse, therefore, my life is full of sun.




Celtic, people who lived years ago were afraid of October nights than any other day of the year. It was the of their festival of sameon, a joyful harvest festival marking the end of the old year and the beginning of a new year. This day itself is a day to pay homage to the sun god Baal.

He pvides the people with the coming winter night. The evil soul is full of charm and charms. It is said that on the of Sam Hahn, the Celtic pest Druid held some tuals to appease the dead Lord wolf Jack.




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