
发布时间:2022-07-25 13:52:26 阅读:263 点赞:0




In Btain, people under 18 are not allowed to dnk in public bars. Mr. Thompson used to go to the bar near his home to dnk, but he nr took his son bee he was too young.

When Tom was 18 years old, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time. They drank for half an ho, and then Mr.

Thompson said to his son son son now Tomi wants to teach you a useful lesson. You must be careful not to dnk too much. How do you know you've drunk enough? I'll tell you when you see the o lights at the end of the bar, they seem to have tned into fo.

You've had enough and should go home. But Dad said that Tommy could only see one light at the end of the bar.


在英国,xx岁以下人不准在公共酒吧喝酒。汤普森先生过去常去他家附近酒吧喝酒,但他从来没有带儿子去,因为他太小了,那时汤姆过xx岁生时,汤普森先生第一次带他去他常去酒吧,他们喝了半个小时,汤普森先生对他儿子说sonNow TomI想教你一门有用课你一定要小心不要喝太多,你怎么知道你喝得够多了我会告诉你你看到酒吧尽头那两盏灯时,它们似乎已经变成四盏了你已经喝够了,应该回家了,但是说汤米在酒吧尽头只能看到一盏灯     。


Do you like to make you happy? Hope you can play with me (meet for the first time) please join me in the grand nt. KTV best bardo is not better than my English. It's a good day tomorw.

You're welcome. Please say hello to Mr. / Ms.

/ Ms. have a good time. Thank you for yo attendance.



你喜欢让你高兴吗?希望你能和我(第一次见面)请你共襄盛举KTV bestill barDo不比我英语好等一点。明天很好欢迎你光临。请向先生/小姐/女士问好,你玩得开心谢谢出席请再见。


Father is a model for alcoholi. When he is addicted to alcohol, he will go to the bar for a few dnks. He goes to the bar ry day before he goes to work.

It was a snowy morning. He went to the bar before he went to work. He felt that someone was following him on his way to the office.

He tned his head. He saw his son stepping on his footpnts. His son was following his son.

He was very excited and said, "look, Dad, I stepped on yo footpnts. The man was very spsed. His son scared him to think: I will go to the bar, but my son followed me after that day.

The man gave up dnking and he will nr go to the bar again.




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