
发布时间:2022-04-13 09:12:37 阅读:438 点赞:0




Review we all know, review is divided into three stages: review, classom learning and review, of which review is the most important in my expeence, I want to talk about the importance and steps of review, and then at a certain time to dlop a review plan with certain content, and then carry out review plan regularly, review the reviewed content in time to add a point, what should be remembered is always taking notes of me It has pved to be good enough to stctly follow the review plan and make pgress in o study. Of cose, there are than one way to review. As long as we review regularly, we can find ways to impve o academic performance.




Review we all know, review is divided into three stages: review, classom learning and review, of which review is the most important in my expeence, I want to talk about the importance and steps of review, and then at a certain time to dlop a review plan with certain content, and then carry out review plan regularly, review the reviewed content in time to add a point, what should be remembered is always taking notes of me It has pved to be good enough to stctly follow the review plan and make pgress in o study. Of cose, there are than one way to review. As long as we review regularly, we can find ways to impve o academic performance.




As we all know, there are three stages of study preview, classom study and review, among which review is the most important. I want to talk about the importance and steps of review first, and then formulate a review plan with certain content at an apppate time, and then carry out review plan regularly. One thing to remember in review and make-up is to keep notes all the time.

I stctly follow the review plan, Pgress has been made in study. Of cose, there is than one way to review. As long as we review regularly, we can find ways to impve o academic performance.




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