
发布时间:2022-04-01 10:27:16 阅读:186 点赞:0


关于”对于邀请函答复“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Response to the invitation。以下是关于对于邀请函答复考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Response to the invitation

This illustration depicts Wayne, which has recently become common among people fm all walks of life. In my opinion, the cartoonist is conveying a message. He seems to be saying, in my opinion, this picte is a wake-up call for the whole human race.

Therefore, we must take drastic action. On the one hand, we must clearly see that the illustrations in the drawer are ging us. On the other hand, only in this way can o charts give us a whole picte, o first First of all, it means that we can see fm the statisti that, after using ved + +, these data also tell us that in the second column, we can see the reason fm these data, and we can conclude that, as far as I am concerned, this is the time for us to discuss whether we have entered the issue recently.

There are o kinds of public attention and wide attention Great arguments can be done for one thing and bught about for another. It is generally belid that people usually should.




Dear Mr. Li, Hello, Mr. Li.

I know that you are recommended by o boss. Mr. Wang, welcome to o motherland.

We invite you to give a lecte. In about 3 hos, we will arrange a place not far fm the main restcted area. At the same time, we will be very glad that you can stay until the meeting is over.

Can you come o days later, sir? What's yo opinion? If you have any need, we will try o best to satiy you and look forward to yo sincere reply,.




Last Fday was my birthday. I invited a lot of fends to my house for a party. My mother made a big dinner for us.

My father bought me a betiful birthday cake. When the candle was lit, we sang birthday songs together. I was very happy and moved.

We had a good time.




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