
发布时间:2022-08-22 10:45:31 阅读:147 点赞:0




There has always been a debate beeen young people and old people about what kind of life is for the elderly. Realistic or mantic young people tend to think that real life is as dramatic and tense as novels and movies, while expeenced s think that this kind of daydream is certain to be bken by later expeences, and ryone should learn to get used to it His daily life is bong. Howr, there are some shortcomings in both sides' views.

If all we do is for realistic pposes, then life will be unimaginable. If what we do ry day is just to enjoy oselves, then this is also a fact. In my opinion, neither way can guarantee a happy life.

On the one hand, a real happy life cannot be separated fm either of these o ways What kind, on the other hand, let us enjoy life, enjoy the stimulation of sports, let us not forget o work, a happy life can nr be separated fm efforts.




As a college student, you may feel that you have plenty of time. You can do yo own will, but it often wastes a lot of time. I think that modern college students should arrange and make good use of their own time, so that they can study and live well, or accomplish tasks with half the effort.

Students can desi a suitable time plan for themselves, such as when Waiting to do something, can impve their work efficiency, time is limited, I hope college students chesh time, chesh their lives.




How to the disabled is o traditional Chinese concept. This is not a big topic, we need to do it in real life. We are just children, we can give them a lot of money, but we can them in real life, for example, we can the blind css the ad, we can whose hands are not convenient to take their things, we can do a lot of things for them, we should give o hands to the people in need, you don't think living in a world where people each other will Is it better.




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