
发布时间:2022-06-06 06:29:29 阅读:159 点赞:0




What the picte wants to convey is that the rapid dlopment of pvate cars meets the requirements of people's traffic demand, but at the same time, it also bngs negative externalities and heavy traffic presse in many cities. On the one hand, it bngs a lot of inconvenience to people and has adverse effects on the envinment. Traffic jams occ frequently.

In the past, the short distance seems to become very long, and dvers can only wait. Therefore, there are waves on the ad It takes a lot of precious time. On the other hand, the exhst gas fm cars also increases the envinmental bden.

In China's oky capital, air pollution and its impact on health are getting and attention. Therefore, we should first take effective meases to eliminate traffic jams, secondly, we should dlop the number of pvate cars in a planned way, and secondly, we should encoage low-carbon means of transportation such as buses and subways Encoage and pmote the effective implementation of the meases, which is conducive to the coordinated dlopment of social economy, envinment, pvate car traffic jam, haze weather, ener consumption, clean ener alternative ener, low-carbon technolo, healthy and green commuting, and sustainable dlopment of public transportation (fige and paragraph 1 are omitted > >).




Everyone likes to make a difference, so that people can remember that they are a place to be pud of, but I don't want to be a person of status. I just want to be a nobody. I can do whatr I want to do.

There is no expectation fm others. I have no presse. I enjoy a peaceful life.

I live my life all the time. My grandparents have one Dog, they have had it for o years. It has yellow hair, so I call it Xiaohuang and Xiaohuang recoize me, becse when I visit my grandparents, it won't yell at me, it will lie down and wag its tail and let me touch it.

I like it very much, and I will give him a lot of bones to eat.




Bill: Dear bill, I'm glad to hear fm you. Thank you for yo concern about the weather and my health. I want to tell you something about the og since last winter.

Smoke has happened many times, which has csed great harm to o daily life. Many traffic accidents are csed by og weather. More and people have to go to see doctors.

Becse of the seous diseases csed by the oke, quite a number of flights have to be delayed and many people have to stay At home, people are afraid of the poisonous air csed by oke. People have realized the great harm csed by oke and the importance of ptecting the envinment. Meases are being taken to reduce the haze weather all over the country.

The government suggests that people take public transport such as buses and basements when they go to work or school. Moreover, we should plant trees according to my requirements. I go to school by bike or on foot.

I won't thw rubbish any . I will tell people I meet to ptect the envinment as much as possible. Can you tell me some good ideas? I look forward to yo reply, sincere Li Hua.

This table shows the results of a svey on how to spend students' weekends. It says that very few students concentrate on their homework. On the contrary, they prefer to sf the Internet, watch TV and shop rather than participate in sports s, libraes and interest gups.

But I personally think this is not beneficial. Now students have got d of the heavy bden, but their spare time is not well arranged They should spend their time studying instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on the green , but also in the library to exercise themselves.

In addition, we should also set up interest gups for students, baden their hozons, sharpen their minds, and finally make them creative, which is of great to a knowledgeable and high-quality youth. In a word, students should arrange colorful and effective activities.






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