
发布时间:2022-07-20 07:37:12 阅读:247 点赞:0




I prefer to ask why you are under presse, first of all, work, exams, love pblems or relationships, and pay attention to yo rationality, becse you can't solve anything until you don't know what to solve. Examine it with a calm mind, to some extent contl yo fear and greed. In this case, you know what you want, rather than what you get, is crucial to get d of the impact of emotional fluctuations.

Only in this way can you really find where to go and what to give up. As we all know, you are neither the poorest nor the hst. Yo destiny is always in yo own hands and can be changed by yo thoughts and choices.

You have the ght to face or escape, ile or cry, fight or srender. You are the one you think you need.




My hometown used to be full of sand in Suzhou. Now it's desolate, blocking the railway connecting the capital. It is very betiful here.

There is a all ver in the middle of the village. In fnt of the middle stream, there is a pond full of lotus flowers. Aund the village, there are many fish swimming in the fish with almond trees.

A tree is covered with sweet fruits. Every family is covered with betiful flowers. Happy people live with her.




A few years ago, at home, there was a all om, ght, three people, now in the same om, a new apartment, a living om, o bedoms are very happy, my homework, quiet, my own om, a few years ago my parents, my family had only one all om, it was very difficult for three people to live in the same om, now we moved into one with one living om and o bedoms When my parents do housework or other things that I love my family, I can do my homework quietly in my om.




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