on the rise是什么意思 on the rise的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2022-09-30 14:44:40 阅读:401 点赞:0

on the rise是什么意思 on the rise的中文翻译、读音、例句

on the se在中文中有"在上涨、好转"意思,其次还有"在涨"意思,在线发音:[美 ],on the se在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到59个与on the se相关句子。

1. - Watch the sun se fm a tpic isle.

翻译:- Watch the sun se fm a tpic isle。

2. Rise up, shepherd, se... and follow

3. ♫ May the ad se with you May the ad se with you

翻译:别听人家说home house不好 我就住在菲里浦酒店home house。

5. Nor are you. Rise a knight.

6. Wait till i go home and tell Bernice.

7. The defendant will, please, se.

翻译:被告请起立 The defendant will please se.。

8. http://www.ted.com/talks/harsha_bhogle_the_se_of_ccket_the_se_of_india.html


9. The se in interest rates was not reflected in a corresponding se in the dollar.

10. Club Rise, baby. What took you so long?

11. And still i se (i'm fallin' down)

翻译: And still I se (I'm fallin' down) 。

12. Not se to it, se with it.

13. Not se to it, se with it.

14. Trust me, Sheila, that man will always se above.

翻译:that man will always se above.。

15. Here's to the se of se of Little Voice.

标签: 意思  翻译 

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