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关于”诚信教育“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Honesty education。以下是关于诚信教育雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Honesty education

Education is one of the key words of o times. Many of us think that he is an unfortunate victim of an unfavorable envinment, depved of one of the grea opportunities of the 20th centy. He is convinced of the importance of education.

Modern countes invest in learning institutions to restore people's interest in education. Enlightened young men and women are potential leaders in education and teaching The cycle of education is so carefully arranged that fm time to time some well of wisdom can be bought. Without its benefits, what would civilization look like? It is certain that we will have doctors, missionaes, lawyers and defendants, mared and born, but o mental outlook will be different.

We will pay less attention to facts and figes, and attention to good memory and applied psycholo. If o education is established after the past of no books, then a person's ability to get along with his compatots We will have the most democratic form of university among the tbal people. All the knowledge inheted fm the tradition will be passed on to ry member of the tbe.

Therefore, in this respect, ryone is so equal in living conditions. It is an ideal state of equality that only o most advanced modern education forms try to regain the obligation of seeking and receiving traditional education in the pmitive culte If the term can be applied to people who don't have a Bible, and o own obligation is that compulsory school enllment rates become law in Germany, France, and England, but they still don't exist in many civilized countes. This shows that education in the wilderness is not a pblem until we consider it necessary to ense that all o children can share the knowledge accumulated by a few happy people over the past centy.

In o society, all people have the ght to an equal starting point. In o society, there is no rush that often hinders the full dlopment of the personality gwing up there, and that children are in the parents' hands Gwing up with meticulous care, the jungle and praie all know that there is no juvenile delinquency, there is no need to run away fm home to make a living, which will lead to the neglect of children, and no father will face the pblem of being unable to buy Education for their children.




We all know that some students cheat in school. As students, we often take exams in school, but sometimes we have too many s, which is too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't study hard, so sometimes they cheat in order to get better grades.

In my opinion, cheating in exams is wng, Becse it's against the rules of the school. We students should be honest and study hard instead of cheating. In addition, we should impve o study methods and prepare for the exam.




Education is increasingly being used by high schools, colleges and universities nd the world to educate their students. Eeducation is basically about eLearning, which involves all forms of e-learning and teaching. This semester is mainly used to refer to extraccular and classom education expeences, thugh technologies such as video recordings uploaded to the Internet to learn online learning applications and pcesses, including web-based learning, comr-based learning, virtual educational opportunities and digital collaborative content communication Available over the Internet, Intranet / Extranet, dio or video tapes, satellite TV and CD-ROM.

It can adjust or direct itself, including text, image, animation, streaming video and dio and other forms of media. Becse it's a convenient and economical way for many people. For example, people living in the inteor or somewhere far away fm the capital can now access top-ll education thugh these electnic media, which s them save time and money becse they no longer have to go to the city to study.

In addition, education s ptect by saving resoces, such as the number of books or lectes, which means cutting down trees, but e-learning now s to solve this pblem. Howr, Eeducation does have its defects. For example, technolo may have pblems.

For example, although the pbability of the Internet is very all, this situation may still happen. This will mean the complete end of the learning pcess. I think there is no perfect education method in the world, but I am se that the advantages of education oueigh the disadvantages.






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