
发布时间:2022-07-01 13:11:23 阅读:364 点赞:0




When he told me he was leaving, I felt like a vase that had just been bken. He kept talking about why he wanted to leave, told me why he left, explained that this was the best, I could do better, it was his flt, not my flt, I had heard many times before, but somehow, still could not be spared, maybe someone was not immune to such a felony, he left, I ted to continue my life, I filled the kettle and bned it Open, I took out my old red cup, filled it with coffee, and watched ry coffee grain slide into my bone china I used to have. Somehow, I nr got that cup of coffee.

Somehow, when the kettle gave its end warning, I pretended not to hear that it was the way Mike left. Suddenly, terble ending, I preferred to indulge in uncertainty I'm not willing to finish the work. I lgh at myself and imagine that I must be old for a cup of coffee, but a young woman stang at me fm the r, a young woman full of hope and hope, a young woman with bght eyes and full lips, is waiting to face the world I have nr loved, and there are important things than love.

I firmly insist on coveng the coffee for myself, Just like ending the whole expeence of Mike, he didn't hnt my dreams as much as I wored about. Instead, I flew over the fields and woods and looked down at the people below. Suddenly, I fell to the gund.

It was not until I woke up that I realized that I was shot by a ter. Being knocked down is not the bden of the bullet, but the soul of the person who shot it. I later realized that in the To some extent, I understood that Mike was the ter who kept me down, and I was a bird eager to fly the next night.

My dream was similar to the previous nights, but without ters, I was free to fly until I met another bird flying harmoniously with me. I breathed a sigh of relief, and I realized that there was a bird beside me, another person, not necessaly a lover, maybe only It's a fend, but there's one person who's my soul mate, and I want to be a bken vase again, and realize that I've stuck myself together. All Mike has is a all part of my time on earth, a little understanding of my body's existence, and he has only a all part of me.




A gry fox found some bread and meat in a hollow tree. Some shepherds put them there in case they came back. He was glad to find that he slipped in thugh the narw gap and devoed them greedily.

But when he wanted to come out again, he found that he was too swollen to squeeze out of the hole after the dinner and be to for his miortune. Another fox happened to pass by and asked him what was wng. He said, "well, my fend, I can't see any other way.

I can only let you stay where you are and wait for you to shnk to the oginal size It's easy for you to come out. ".





Valentin [Valentin [v [V L {Valentin ['v æ L æ L ə Latin] Aberdeen [b ə Di: n] Ursula ['sula ['601;;; e Abbott ['b B ə t] van [v æ n n n] Valentine ['v æ L n tantain] aberathy æ B north; Nei æ n ə Ursula ['ə ə ə ə E; e Abbott ['b æ B æ t] ə t] {van n [v æ van n [v æ v una ['ju Ju Ju n ə; una ['ju n ə n] ə;; Valleia [v ə Li ə Li ə RI ə ə Alto ['a: lt ɔ ɔ ɔ Yalun ['ɛ R ə n] ԡ Vargas ['wa: G ə S] Abdel [A: b'du: l] Abel [EIB] Vanessa [v ə NES ə Albertson Abelard ['abel ['abel ['abel ['eib] Vanessa [v ə NES ə Alberto] albertal ['abelard ['Abelard ['abel ['abel ['abel ['abel ['eib] EIB] Vanessa [v ə æ B ə La: D] Abelson ['eiblsn] Abel Cmbie ['b ə Kr ʌ M] Valery V æ L ə RI:] / Abbado [ə' BA: D ə u u] Vance [v æ; NS] Abbas [ə B æ s [[[ə'b æ s [ s [Fanfan].


瓦伦丁[瓦伦丁[væl Valentin['væləlantin] 阿伯丁[æbədi:n] Ursula['əə;; e雅培['æbət] Vann[væn n] 情人['væl Ntantain] Abernathyæb北; neið Una['ju ju nəə; Una['ju n nən]ə;;652ndəwud] 瓦莱丽娅[vəliəə] 阿尔托['a:ltɔ:] 亚伦['ɛrən] 瓦尔加斯['wa:gəs] 阿卜杜勒[a:b'du:l] 亚伯[eib] 瓦内萨[vənesə]艾伯尔森 阿伯拉尔['æbəla:d] 亚伯尔森['eiblsn] 亚伯cmbie['æbəkrʌmbi] 瓦莱丽['vælə] Valery vælə:]/ Abbado[ə'ba:dəu u] Vance[væ; ns] Abbas[əbæs[[[ə'bæs[ s[凡凡。


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