
发布时间:2022-07-20 09:33:57 阅读:162 点赞:0


关于”简单展会邀请函“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Simple invitation to the show。以下是关于简单展会邀请函考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple invitation to the show

Dear Mary, I want you to know that my family are going to have a picnic next weekend. I'd like to invite you. You are my best fend at school.

I want my parents to see you. It's a great opportunity. Please come and listen to you, lily.




There is no dou that ryone has their favote TV or radio pgram. If you ask me, my answer is English interview. Let me tell you the reason first, bee it is an English pgram.

I can learn English fm it and impve my listening. Bee the invited people come fm all over the world, I can be familiar with all kinds of accents, not only voice of Ameca Secondly, the people invited by the B are elites, so I can learn a lot fm them about crent politi, economy, culte, science and so on. Indeed, sometimes, I only see the sface or phenomenon of the pblem before I can understand the essence of the pblem.

The anchor or female anchor is a sharp and eloquent person. He or she can guide the interviewer to express their views on sensitive topi. This is a great pgram, do you agree.




Hello ryone, I've been invited here to talk about English learning with you. I be to learn English when I was ten years old. At that time, I knew nothing about English, but now I can enjoy English very much.

I like English not only bee it is useful, but also bee I can have a lot of fun learning it. I like listening to English songs and watching English movies. I think this is a better way to make my English study easy and rewarding.




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