
发布时间:2022-08-29 06:49:53 阅读:292 点赞:0


关于”投诉信和“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Sum of complaint letter。以下是关于投诉信和高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sum of complaint letter

Dear Sir: I'm wting to complain about one of yo bus dvers. He was rude to passengers yesterday. I took a bus that didn't go to school.

It was not rush ho at that time. There were not many passengers on the bus, but the dver dve too fast. Even when the bus tned the corner, he didn't slow down.

A passenger asked him to dve slowly, but when the bus was in public, he didn't slow down When the bus reached the next stop, a man stood up. The dver stood up and walked to the door. Suddenly, the car stopped.

The man couldn't keep his balance and fell to the gund. The dver didn't apologize and asked him to get off immediately. I think that the public bus should serve the public wholeheartedly, and the safety of passengers should be my top concern.

I hope to take apppate meases to prnt the recrence of such incidents.




Dear, I'm sorry to distb you, but I'm afraid I have to complain about the reasons why I'm not satiied. First of all, in this case, if you can solve this matter best, I would like to solve it by thanking you for yo consideration. I will sincerely look forward to yo reply.




We wte to o order No. yesterday concerning the shipment of the goods concerned. Due to negligence, sral comr packages have been seously damaged.

Fm yo order letter of July, we can see that the goods were seously damaged in o places. The damage was csed by ugh handling. We hope you can make compensation for this dissatiaction.

You can call back, so we can check it. Please tell us whether you want to retn the goods or make other arrangements. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, becse you mean that the delay is due to the fact that the United States can contl the situation.

We hope this incident will not affect the good cooperation beeen us, but it is unlikely to happen.




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