
发布时间:2022-07-30 11:36:47 阅读:537 点赞:0


关于”学校旁边小商店“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The all shop next to the school。以下是关于学校旁边小商店雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The all shop next to the school

Two bars show the changes in wheat pduction and average pces beeen and among Eupean countes. The first chart shows a sharp increase of about million tons in Eupean countes until this fige reaches a peak of about one million tons, which is three times. Fm the second chart, it can be seen that wheat pces soared fm less than pound per ton in to almost years in, but in the following five years In Bstol's ten-year factory, the change of pduction is not the same as the change of pce.

Dung each quarter, employees generated the largest pfit, but the pfit decreased fm 1 million pounds in the first quarter to about 10000 pounds in the foth London factory. By compason, the contbution of the whole year was the allest, although the second The quarterly pfit increased slightly, with the highest pfit of 100 million pounds in the second quarter. The pfit of Leeds factory was relatively stable.

Only in the third quarter, the pfit decreased by 1 million pounds to the lowest point of 7 million pounds. The pfits of the other three quarters were also obviously the same. The number of employees in Leeds was compared with that in London.

The ppose of this report is to compare the tnover of three branches of a company fm to. The results show that, by contrast, the tnover of supers has always been the highest, that of all stores is the lowest, and that of department stores is still in the middle. For example, when supers reached their peak, they were than ice the tnover of department stores, and were the same as last year.

Howr, this year, all stores only account for the trend. With the steady gwth of supers, department stores have also decreased fm to. Similarly, the tnover of all stores has also decreased fm to.

The conclusion is that supers have always been the biggest contbutor to tnover.





Shopping is normal for us, but it's not easy becse I like shopping and I go shopping with all my fends ry weekend. There are many stores here, such as bookstores, shoe stores and clothing stores, so I suggest that if you want to buy big things, you can go to the shopping center, becse there are many stores there, so you can have choices. And you can easily find things of good quality here.

But if you only want to buy some all things, supers and department stores are very good. Then, the most convenient place to go shopping is the corner store. Do you know, yes, it's just the all shops near yo home or school.

Most girls like shopping, especially window shopping. It means that you just enjoy shopping, but actually you don't buy anything.





Today, no matter where we go, we can find supers. Many years ago, there were no supers in my hometown, only all shops. But now, when I go back to my hometown, I find that there are many supers.

They replace all shops. Supers have their advantages. First of all, the things in them are of high quality.

People don't have to worry about buying fake pducts. Once people find them in the super Counterfeit pducts, this will be a very seous pblem, so the pducts in the super are genius. Second, there are all kinds of pducts in the super.

People can find what they want, which can save them a lot of time. People work in the office dung the day, so they want to buy at the fas time. That's why and people choose supers.




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