
发布时间:2022-07-08 08:54:28 阅读:218 点赞:0


关于”给顾客致歉信“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Apologies to customers。以下是关于给顾客致歉信六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Apologies to customers

I am wting this letter to express my sincere apolo for the loss of the book you lent me. I am very grateful to you for lending it to me so as to retn it to you as soon as possible. I took it to the library yesterday, and I borwed some other books in the library.

Later, I left. When I got to my dormitory, I couldn't find yo book. I searched all my dormitoes and fm dormitory to library Road.

The next day I also looked for the library. But I can't find yo book. I'm sorry, I can't retn it to you on time as I pmised, but I'll buy you a new one later.

I hope you can accept my advice: when yo family is on holiday, yo fend, Cathy, take care of yo dog. Smart. Now that you are back, wte her a letter to show yo cotesy.

Yo letter should be no less than words that do not need to be addressed. Don't si yo own name at the end of the letter. Use Emily instead of Cathy.

I'm wting this letter to express o sincere thanks to you for being with us Taking care of art on vacation. When we got home, he was a very happy dog. We know it will.

Dear black, Mrs. white is going to Ameca soon. We will hold a farewell party for her fm Fday afternoon to afternoon.

I'm very happy to be in the school club in May. In order to invite you to the farewell party, we have invited o forei teachers, Mr. Fraser and miss grey.

Please join us in saying goodbye to Mrs. white. I hope you can make it in the afternoon Arving, I'm looking forward to seeing you in May.

When we picked Yanyang out of the doghouse, he always cared about us. He would sob for hos. Not only did you save us some money, you also let us not have to worry about his performance in o absence.

Thank you very much for yo , not only art, but also o family.






I'm an employee of Hongxia trading company. My name is Wang. I'm glad to meet you.

Welcome to Fuzhou. I've been a reservation for you in Oental Hotel. I hope you can come to my office to discuss business tomorw becse of the relationship beeen o company.

We will si the contract as soon as possible. If you have any difficulties, please contact us by phone.




CET Letter of apolo fm CETA, 2nd floor, Witton Road, Hong Kong, June 7th, dear David, I'm sorry I didn't see you last night. I hope you don't have to wait too long outside the New York theater. I had to go to my bther until my mother came home.

She stayed with the doctor for a long time before she came home late. I ran all the way to the bus stop, but I had missed the bus, so I decided to get on at ram, I arved at the New York theatre at eight. I don't think you'll be that person again, becse I'm three quarters of an ho late.

I really hope you'll forgive me, yo fend, Peter Seth, Seth.


CET ceta致歉信威顿道2楼xx月7,亲爱大卫,我很抱歉昨晚没能见到你我希望你不要在纽约剧院外面等太久我不得不去找我弟弟直到我回家她在医生那里待了很长时间才回到家里很晚了,我一路跑到公共汽车站,但我已经错过了公共汽车,我决定在拉姆上车,我八点钟到达纽约剧院。我不认为你还会是那个人,因为我迟到了三刻钟。我真希望你能原谅我,你朋友,彼得·塞特,塞特。


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