
发布时间:2022-08-13 08:55:03 阅读:145 点赞:0




This semester I want to learn English well. First of all, I plan to learn English well. I want to get up early.

Then I read English texts ry morning. On the third day, I recite words and phrases ry day. On the foth day, I listen to the teacher carefully and take notes.

Before I go to bed, I will listen to English tapes. I beli my English will be very good. My English is very poor.

I want to learn English well. So I set up a study English First of all, I will listen to the teacher in English class, take notes carefully, then read English texts in the morning, and finally recite words and phrases. I will find a partner to practice English.

I think the English I use, the better my English will be.




Dear Joan: it's been a long time since I wte to you last time, becse I'm busy with my English. Yes, I'm spsed that I'm no longer afraid of English. In fact, I like English in the past.

I think learning English is a donkey's job, including grammar and words. I hate reciting. I don't think I will like this language in my life.

I don't n want to talk with my clasates in English. But after I talked with you last time, I gradually changed my mind. I realized that to learn English, recite is better than to speak English.

I like to practice my spoken English with my clasates. I often read English articles on the Internet. I have made great pgress, haven't I? Thank you for yo wise advice I hope you have a good summer vacation, Amy.




The preacher bought a part. The preacher was buying a part. "Are you se it won't scream, shout or swear?" he asked the preacher, "Oh, he's definitely a religious part," the shopkeeper assed him, "did you see the pe on his leg? When you pull a part to the ght, he recites the Lord's prayer.

When you pull on the left, he recites the hymn "great." the pest says, "but what if you pull o lines at the same time." "I fell off my perch, you idiot." the part screamed. When she saw the child fall, she screamed and yelled, the team went to victory, the car screamed to stop.




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