
发布时间:2022-08-24 15:35:09 阅读:327 点赞:0




Dear mayor, first of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter, becse you are a member of o betiful hometown. I would like to express my views on the traffic situation of o city, becse o city is one of the fas gwing cities in o pvince and n the whole country. Undeniably, o country has made great achiments in recent years, but in fact, with the dlopment of the city, it has achid great success With the dlopment of the city, the ad conditions have not been impved, so I am wting to you to suggest that you increase investment in transportation.

There is an old saying that if you want to get ch, you should build ads first, which has been pved repeatedly by dloped countes. Therefore, if o cities want to achi sustainable dlopment, especially in the economic and technological fields, we should pay attention to o traffic envinment. When you get mared sincerely, you can't see the summer vacation coming.

So I want to invite you to my hometown. You know my country, China has a long history and ch and colorful culte. We have vaous festivals all the year und.

For us Chinese, the most important festival is the Spng Festival, which has a history of 5000 years. People will spend all their money to buy gifts, decorations, mateals, mateals, etc Food and clothing are also the tradition of cleaning up and eliminating miortunes and blessings. On New Year's Eve, ry family will decorate doors and windows with red paper cutting and couplets with popular themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity.

Dinner is a family dinner, with rything fm pigs, ducks, chickens to sweets. The next morning, the family will end the night with firecrackers. The children will greet their parents in red paper envelopes, wish them a healthy and happy new year, and receive cash.

I sincerely look forward to yo reply.





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