
发布时间:2022-03-25 09:09:13 阅读:166 点赞:0




A few years ago in the Han Dynasty, a county magistrate named Yingchen invited his secretary Du Xuan to his home one summer to serve him with wine. There was a red bow hanging on the north wall of the om. This was a reflection in Du Xuan's cup.

Du Xuan regarded his reflection as a creeping snake. He was very afraid, but he did not dare to refuse Ying Chen's offer Becse Ying is his boss. After retning home, he had to swallow the wine with his eyes closed.

He felt the pain in his chest and stomach. He could hardly eat and dnk any . So he sent for a doctor and took some medicine.

When Ying Chen asked Du Xuan how he had such a seous illness, Du Xuan told him that Ying Chen found something strange the other day. After he went home, he was very upset. Du Xuan said that he was in a bad mood After dnking the wine, he felt very sad, but he couldn't find the answer.

Suddenly, the shadow cast on the wall attracted his eyes. "That's it," he yelled. He immediately sent someone to pick up Du Xuan.

He sat where he sat and gave him a glass of wine. Du Xuan saw the snake like shadow again. Du Xuan was scared to death again.

He pointed to the shadow. "The snake in the cup is just the reflection of the bow on the wall". When daoxuan knew what it was, he felt much relaxed and strange.

His illness disappeared in the next moment. This story was later reduced to the idiom "Beigong she Ying", which was used to descbe a person who was suspicious, just like the image of a man Say someone is afraid of their own shadow.




Nasrudin heard that there was a bangot meeting in the nearby town, and ryone was invited. When the of ceremonies saw him in his ragged cloak, he placed him in the most inconspicuous place, far fm the big table, where the most important people were waiting. Nasrudin saw that the waiters had finally arved where he was sitting.

He got up and went home. He put on a gorgeous mink cloak and a tban. When the messengers of the E saw this maificent scene, they The minister came out of the palace and bught the maificent Nasrudin to a place next to the E.

A plate of delicious food was immediately put in fnt of him. Without stopping, Nasrudin be to rub a piece of his tban and cover it. Yo Excellency said, I am very cious about yo eating habits.

This is for me Said it was new, nothing special, Nasrudin said. Cloak, bng me here, give me something to eat, of cose, it's deserved.




I was in the kitchen, cooking, and suddenly heard a loud noise in fnt of me. I thought someone might be knocking on the door. I asked who was knocking.

But after a while, I saw my cat running thugh the living om, and I realized that it was the cat that I felt relid I was cooking in the kitchen. There was a loud crash when I was cooking in the kitchen. The fnt door thought someone was knocking.

I asked, "who?" after a while, I saw my cat running nd the living om. "It's you," I said. One relaxing ning, a man came to o house and told me, "there's a family of eight children who haven't eaten for days." I took some food with me Yes.

When I finally came to the family, I saw that there was no sadness and sadness on the faces of those children who were haggard by ger, only the deep pain of ger I gave the ce to my mother, she divided the ce into o parts, she took half of the ce out, and when I came back, I asked her, "where have you been?" She gave me a answer, "my neighbors, they are gry too." she found him standing alone in fnt of a shop crying. They went to Xiaoqiang and asked him what happened. Xiaoqiang told them how he lost his way and where he lived.

Two students decided to take him home. Mother was very happy to see that Xiaoqiang came back safe and sound. She invited o students into the house and gave them some money, but they didn't accept her tea, but they left.


我在厨房里,正在做饭,突然听到前面传来一声巨响,我想可能有人在敲门,我问是谁敲门,但过了一会儿,我看到我猫从客厅跑过,我意识到那是我感到解脱猫 我在厨房煮东西“哗啦”一声巨响前门以为有人在敲门,我问,“谁”过了一会儿,我看见我猫在客厅里跑来跑去,“是你”我说,很放松一天晚上,一个男人来到我们家告诉我,“有一个有八个孩子家庭,他们已经好几天没吃东西了”我带着一些食物走了。当我终于来到那个家庭时,我看到那些被饥饿弄得面容憔悴孩子们脸上没有悲伤和悲伤,只有饥饿深深痛苦 我把米给了,她把大米分成了两份,她带着一半米出去了,回来时候,我问她,“你去哪儿了?”她给了我一个简单回答,“我邻居他们也饿了”发现他一个人站在一家商店前哭着,他们走到小强跟前,问他发生了什么事,小强告诉他们他是怎么迷路,他住在哪里。两个学生决定带他回家。



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