
发布时间:2022-06-06 08:50:37 阅读:155 点赞:0




On a snowy winter morning, the wind whispers and blows, sometimes Sighing like a summer breeze blowing the leaves of a long night. The cat is cled up in bed, the mouse is sleeping in the kitchen, the dog is wet on the sofa, and the earth itself is sleeping peacefully. Howr, a door creaks weakly on the hinge, telling us a kind of distance When she worked in the middle of the night, feather like snowflakes were falling in the wind, as if she had spnkled silver seeds on the fields.

Finally, I woke up and the floor creaked under my feet as I walked to the window. Warm like cotton snow quietly lying on the windowsill, the quiet of the morning left a very deep impression on people, under the eaves is a snow cover, the eaves are decorated with glitteng ornaments, trees stretch out their white arms in all directions, in the place with walls, there are some wonderful snow stretching out in the hazy scenery, as if nate silently engraved her freshness in the dark I opened the door and went outside to meet the piercing air. The earth was bathed in a dreary mist.

The East was a piercing light announcing the coming of the day. The scenery of wellen was desolate, a little silent like the wizard kingdom. You can only hear some creepy sounds It seems that the hell like dog barking, the blackith's hammeng, the cow's low voice, the pig's cry under the butcher's knife, and the piercing light gradually darkened, spreading to ry flower, ry tree and ry grass in the west, suddenly bathed in the sun.

All the sounds were not the melancholy they said, but, for me, their noise at dusk was too solemn And mysteous, I walked, bskly along the ad, the shveled snow creaked under my feet.




It was winter and Mrs. Herman wanted to buy a lot of things, so she waited until Satday, when her huand was free, and she took him to the store to pay all the money and her with the package. They went to a lot of shops, and Mrs.

Herman bought a lot of things, and she often stopped and said, look, Joe isn't that betiful, and he said, OK, honey, how much is it, and then she took out his money and paid for it. When they came out of the last shop, it was already dark, and Mr. Herman was tired, thinking about other things, such as a nice dnk by the warm fire at home, and suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, "look at the betiful moon, Joe kept saying, OK, honey, how much is it.




One cold winter, a boy stood outside a shoe store, praying to God for a few pairs of socks or shoes. A lady came up to him and said, what can I do for you. He looked down at his feelings and said that sweeley wanted some shoes.

She grabbed his hand and took him to the shoe store. She asked for a dozen socks and a pair. They sat down and put on the socks and shoes.

When the woman got up and left, the boy said thank you. She told him if he needed anything else, don't be afraid to ask, so he would ask if you were God's wife.




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