
发布时间:2022-09-02 15:36:59 阅读:237 点赞:0


关于”一篇介绍班级店铺“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:An intduction to the class shop。以下是关于一篇介绍班级店铺高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An intduction to the class shop

He got his law degree by taking classes in the ning. There is a lot of reading mateal in class. This will lead to a new ruling class, and port workers have noticed that ships of the same class often have different measements becse birds cannot classify them into different species.




With the dlopment of industry and agculte, envinmental pblems nd the world are becoming and seous. Cars, noise and toxic gases emitted have been cut off, and waste water has been continuously discharged into vers. Moreover, no matter where we go today, we can find that the ecological balance of the whole earth is changing due to careless garbage treatment.

Large scale envinmental damage has bught about negative effects To the svival of constitutes a great threat, we must face the crent situation, take action to solve o envinmental pblems, must pass new laws to stctly contl industal pollution, let the public accept the education of pollution hazards, and take effective meases as soon as possible to restore a healthy envinment.




The teacher in my class is the most famous person in my class. I want to know that you must listen to my intduction. The most popular dance is clasates.

Don't look at her silly dancing. It will make you look terfied. When there is no single pgram on children's day, her name is always indispensable.

She still plays on behalf of the school sral times without taking out the least drawing The target of calculation is still Liang. Usually, reading is called Reading in Chinese class. Her hands are always unn.

Her reading is really touching and fascinating. But after reading a few words, she is dead. The sharp voice is harsh to her ry time, and her voice is always out of tune.

I always play feather characters sral times. I think that the most shy person is the student, "female", No, it's a man. It's strange how the boys are shy.

If you don't say a word to him or ask a question, he doesn't say a word. He lowers his head and iles with his mouth. His eyes keep tning and his face looks like little red.

Is it as if the shyness closed on the grass is the most powerful in a big voice? That is Wang Zhihang. He should say it in o class It is than a mouth, the voice is always sral times bigger than others, I don't know if I have practiced with him, and I have done a lot of words. I can n hear that the students in the yard wow, adming them is not fun, becse these students are in o class, the atmosphere is lively, o class is the most lively ha ha no, No.




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