
发布时间:2022-08-24 12:27:36 阅读:867 点赞:0


关于”介绍茶文化“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduction of Chinese tea culte。以下是关于介绍茶文化高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction of Chinese tea culte

David neork information culte David dear David, I am a student fm China. I have noticed yo online requirements. You want to find a Chinese fend to you understand China and Chinese culte.

Maybe I am yo good choice. China is a country with a long history, not only o history, but also o culte. There are many ways to understand us better More I want to know, if you are interested, I will look forward to yo reply.

I will show you o great China. If you come to China sincerely, Li Hua not only, but also.




As we all know, China is one of the fo ancient civilizations in the world. Its history is longer than what we know. Many ancient buildings and vaous histocal books can be found in different parts of China.

It is easier to find a person than anywhere. In other words, China is the country with the largest population in the world, but it also bngs a huge bden to o country. There are 56 nationalities in o country.

We get along well. Frequent disasters can make us united. In addition, Chinese food is famous for its delicious and nuttious.

Many people in other countes come to China for sightseeing ry year. You can visit many places of interest here. I really hope that o country will become and pspeus and people's life will be and happy.

I am a Chinese, and I am pud that I was born in China.




When I was sn years old, I be to learn English. I played s and sang English songs with other children. Sometimes, I watched English cartoons very interesting.

Then I found the bety of English and started my colorful dream in the English world. I hope that one day I can travel nd the world. I want to visit Washington, D.C.

becse my cousin's cose is over, I also want to go to Lun Becse Btain is the place where English dlops. If I can de a bicycle in Cambdge University, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with ryone in the world.

I will also intduce China to them. For example, the great wall and the gardens in Suzhou will teach the Chinese about the betiful language of o country. I like English.

Learning English is great. I wanted to be an English once I also like Chinese literate. When I was very young, I remember a lot of poems.

I also want to be a Chinese teacher. I think my o dreams can come true: I can teach forei fends Chinese in English, share Chinese culte with them, let and people understand the history and culte of these years, the pspety of o great China, my fute is not a dream, I beli it It will come true.




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