
发布时间:2022-03-22 06:25:11 阅读:82 点赞:0




These things will nr die becse of Charles ens. Those pe, bght and betiful ones, which ause o hearts in o youth, the impulses to wordless prayer, the dreams of love and truth, the longing for lost things, the cry of the soul's longing, the efforts for better hope, these things will nr die out - the timid who reaches out to o bthers Hand in his time of need, in the dark time of sorw, a kind word pves the pity of a fend. When justice is near, the sorw of regret will nr disappear.

Let rything pass. Everyone must find some work to do and lose the opportunity to wake up love. So will the light of firmness, justice, and truth, and the voice of an angel say to you that these things will nr die out.




My huand and I were cleaning the empty garage when a woman fm a house acss the street came up to us with an apple pie and she said, "I made it myself. I want you to buy it." really, we can't. when I moved in o years ago, my huand said, "of cose," she went on, "No I'm welcome and I want you to feel at home She put the pie in my huand's hand and, well, you see, "he said with a disappointed ile," we've been here for fo years and we're moving.

" The women gaped at him and opened their mouths. "OK," she said, shrugging her shoulders, and with a less look, "enjoy it anyway." my huand and I lghed happily and decided to be better neighbors in the fute.




One day, when Xiao Ming was walking his dog in the park, he found a note of yuan yuan on the grass. Before he stepped on the grass, he saw a notice, which said: "please don't trample on the grass, violate the fine ." he quietly stepped on the grass and picked up the money. Just as he left, a guard stopped him, and he retned the money to him and stepped on the grass It has been half a month since the summer vacation started.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. My parents and I went to the seaside last week. We are going to a betiful city in xiamenite.

Xiamen is a all island with blue sky and blue sea. We can see Jinmen island fm the ck in Liguan. We had a happy day in Xiamen.




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