
发布时间:2022-07-04 14:17:54 阅读:347 点赞:0


关于”感谢信加“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Thank you。以下是关于感谢信加考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you

Dear Susan, I'm wting to tell you that I won the first pze in the English speech con held in o school last Fday. Thank you for yo guidance in my English learning. You gave me a lot of .

I'm glad that when we study together, you are very kind to me. You are very humous. You teach me how to speak fluent English.

I have made great pgress with yo Step, without yo , I can't get honor. How is yo work going? I miss you very much. If you have time, please come to my school.

Ai still needs yo . Thank you, Li Hua.




Dear, I'm sorry to distb you, but I'm afraid I have to complain first. In addition, in this case, I would like to thank you very much for yo best solution to this matter. Thank you for yo consideration.

I will look forward to yo reply. Sincerely Li Ming, dear, I am wting to know if you can first pvide me with information on what is second, when and third. I also want to ask if you can send me some pamphlets on the above aspects.

Thank you very much Thank you very much for yo letter, my sincere Li Ming 3 dear, I am wting to formally request, the reason is me, so I also want to ask me to apologize for any inconvenience I have bught to you. Thank you for yo attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and look forward to yo favorable comments.

Yo sincere Li Ming 4 dear, I am really sorry, oginal I'm sorry for the inconvenience again. I hope you can accept my apolo and understand my situation. Yo sincere Li ming5 dear, you have asked me for my opinion.

I will try my best to put forward some useful suggestions here. Please take the following actions. I hope you will find these suggestions useful, and I will be ready to discuss fther details with you.

Wish you Good luck, yo sincere Li ming6 Dear Mr. or Ms., I am wting to apply for the position you advertised, but I am not qualified for this job, but I also have a pper personality. On the one hand, if you give me a pvate interview, I will be very excited.

If you need to know about me, please feel free to contact me, thank you for consideng my application Looking forward to meeting you, yo sincere Li ming7 dear meeting, we are very honored that you can attend with us, the activity will start here, the next is about a time, I really hope you can reply to you before yo sincere Li Minggen.




Thank you very much for not only giving birth to me, but also teaching me how to be a good man in the fute. Although you don't say anything, I will always love you. I can understand yo heart: you always care about me.

Thank you for staying in this world for a long time. I realize that you are the one who loves me most. No matter where you are, no one can play yo le in my heart when you give me life When, I will always love you, you take me as yo concern, I wish you happy ry day.

When I leave you, I always put my gratitude in the bottom of my heart, thank you for yo care and love for me, although I have nr wtten a letter, nor expressed my thanks to you, I can't send you a bunch of carnations becse I'm not by yo side, but I hope this message can tell you I wish you health and happiness forr. Yo love is like a piece of candy. With a lot of nagging and scolding, I didn't find it until I grew up.

Happy Teacher's day I care about you not only on this special day, but also ry day of the year. I hope you have a good day ry day. Thank you again for yo hard work, a delicious dinner for us and washing o clothes, Please accept o family's best wishes for a happy mother's day.

If there is no heaven, there will be no earth.




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