
发布时间:2022-06-20 13:12:07 阅读:137 点赞:0




A very timid little Casper (milketoos) vente into a motorcycle bar in the Bnx and clear his that and ask, "well, which of you has a Doberman tied to a parking meter? A giant in motorcycle leather, his body hair gwing out of the seam, slowly tning over the stool, looking down at the shiveng little man, he says it's my dog. Why is he screaming? The guy is obviously nervous, I beli My dog just killed it, sir. What kind of gwling man can't beli you? What kind of dog did you have? Mr.

dog answered the little man. It's a fo week old female dog, a bull ang motorcyclist. How could yo dog kill my Doberman? It seems that yo dog choked on her.


一个非常胆小小个子卡斯帕·米尔奎托斯(Casper Milketoos)冒险走进克斯区一家摩托车酒吧,清了清嗓子问:呃,你们谁拥有绑在停车收费表外面杜宾犬一个穿着摩托车皮革巨人,他体毛从缝缝里长出来,慢慢地翻到凳子上,低头看着颤抖小男人他说是我狗为什么尖叫那小家伙显然很紧张我相信我狗刚刚杀了它先生什么咆哮大男人难以置信你到底什么样狗先生回答了小男人它是一个四个星期大雌小狗公牛吼叫摩托车手你小狗怎么会杀了我杜宾犬似乎你狗被她噎住了先生。


(dog and shadow) a dog happened to have a piece of meat in its mouth and was taking it home to eat with ease. On his way home, he had to css a plank lying on the stream. He looked down and saw his shadow reflected in the water below.

He thought it was another dog with another piece of meat. He did so. He was determined to catch the shadow in the water.

But when he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell out and fell into the water. No one saw it again. Be careful, you lose substance by holding the shadow.





In the battle of Gettyg, which was the tning point of the Amecan Civil War, a federal soldier was lying on the gund with his left leg bken by a ball. He saw that General Lee, the commander of the Allied forces, ordered him to retreat, and one of the most painful anti Suman people ordered him to retreat. The soldiers lghed at the general's horseback and yelled, "cheer for the union." the soldier told about what happened later: "stop, go down Ma, coming up to me, I thought he wanted to kill me at first, but when he came up, he looked down at me with a sad look on his face, and all the fear left me.

He held out his hand to me, held it tightly and said, "my child, I hope you will recover soon.".




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