
发布时间:2022-07-03 16:14:53 阅读:276 点赞:0


关于”基因技术对人类社会影响“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The influence of gene technolo on human society。以下是关于基因技术对人类社会影响专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of gene technolo on human society

The pgress of science and the impvement of living conditions make the world's population gw rapidly. For example, modern medicine makes it possible for infants to gw healthily, and people's life expectancy is also plonged with the impvement of living conditions. Especially in ral areas, people tend to have larger families.

The world population is gwing rapidly, which has exceeded 100 million. Howr, the rapid gwth of population poses a threat to the svival of human society. With a large population, a large amount of food supply and housing are needed.

Limited pductivity and scarce natal resoces are difficult to meet the needs of the gwing population. Therefore, in the long run, the excessive gwth of world population will only do harm to human beings. In order to ense the stable dlopment of human society, human beings must realize the consequences and importance of the rapid population gwth Only by taking effective meases and implementing family planning can human society dlop steadily and have a bght fute.




There is no end to human desire. It is human nate to psue different things. There are many examples to pve this in o daily life.

We can take some basic human needs for example. We don't want to wear the same clothes all the time. We want better and better cars.

We want to live in a better world. Of cose, spacious apartments are not all People are all the same. For example, some people are always climbing on the social or political ll.

When others are constantly trying to earn money, children are eager for new toys and always hope to live longer. Scientists hope to have new discovees, while wters hope to good works or works that have been done. This kind of humanity has always been the dving force for the dlopment of human society and the pspety of the Becse we want and better pducts.

The dlopment of science and technolo has nr stopped, becse we are eager to discover and things. If human beings have been easily satiied, human society will still be in the pmitive stage.




In order to ense the stable dlopment of human society, human beings must realize the consequences of rapid population gwth. Only by taking effective meases can family planning be implemented. Can human society dlop steadily and have a bght fute scientific pgress and impvement of living conditions make the world population gw rapidly.

For example, modern medicine makes babies gw up healthily and makes people impve their living conditions In the case of longevity, especially in ral areas, people tend to have larger families. Therefore, the world's population is gwing rapidly, which has exceeded 100 million. Howr, the rapid gwth of population poses a threat to the svival of human society.

With a large population, it needs a lot of food supply and housing . Limited pductivity and scarce world resoces are difficult to meet the needs of the gwing population. Therefore, in the long run, the excessive gwth of world population will only damage human beings.


为了保证人类社会稳定发展,人类必须认识到人口快速增长所带来后果,只有采取有效措施,才能实施计划生育,人类社会能否稳步发展,前途光明 科学进步和生活条件改善,使世界人口迅速增长,例如,现代医学使婴儿健康成长,使人们在改善生活条件情况下长寿,特别是在农村,人们往往有更大家庭。因此,世界人口增长迅速,现已超过亿,但人口过快增长对人类社会生存构成了威胁。人口众多,需要大量食物供应和住房空间,有限生产力和稀缺世界资源很难满足益增长人口需要,因此,从长远来看,世界人口过度增长只会损害人类。


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