
发布时间:2022-04-18 13:57:57 阅读:153 点赞:0




Cactus is used to living in the desert. The whole body of cactus is green, the stem is oval, and the whole body is full of thorns. In fact, the thorns on them are their leaves.

The leaves are like this, becse they can prnt the water in the body fm evaporating into the hot and dry air. Cactus have very long ots, they can absorb their ots, deeply oted in the gund, in order to get water fm deeper places, their flowers are always all and white, although they are iored in the desert, they nr give up to come here, botany has been quietly decorating the desert.




I heard a noise coming fm the place where mom and Dad were sleeping, and I ted to look at it, but my head was too heavy in my position, I got a rush of ener, I grabbed the railing, I moved my legs, my head went up, my body followed it, I almost stood up I called mom and dad didn't answer me, I watched them, they were sleeping, they were sleeping, the first in my life I stood, I stood, they fell asleep, I had to wake them up, I had to let them see me I called Mama ga mama no answer. I don't know how long I can stay like this, becse I started shaking my legs and peeling off my in bars. They were shaking.

There was a sound. I shook harder. I called out something moving on the bed.

My mother's head moved, her eyes opened. I was very glad that she saw me standing up like this. I lghed at her, and I said Gaga coo to me, and then she said She sat up and said to me with a ile, "Hello, honey, have you stood up alone?" I lghed, and I said "googa" with pde; "she lay down, said good child, and now she lies down to sleep." I ile and say, Goo Goo Goo, I won't tell you what that means.


我听到和睡觉地方传来噪音,我试着看了看,但我头在我所处位置太重了,我得到了一股能量,抓住了栏杆我移动了我腿,我头上升,我身体跟着它我几乎站起来了 我叫 没有回答我看着他们他们在睡觉,他们在睡觉,我这辈子第一次站着,我站着,他们睡着了,我必须叫醒他们我必须让他们看到我 我叫了嘎 没有回答,我不知道我能这样呆多久,因为我开始摇动我腿,和我铁条脱壳,他们在颤抖有一种声音,我更用力地抖了一下,我喊出床上有动静我头动了,她眼睛睁开了,我很高兴她看到我这样站起来我对她笑了她对我也笑了我说了嘎嘎咕 她意识到我可以忍受了我现在可以站起来了她坐起来了,微笑着对我说:“你好,亲爱,你一个人站起来了吗?”我笑了,我自豪地说“咕嘎”;“她躺下来,说好孩子,现在躺下来睡觉了。”我微笑着说,咕咕咕咕,我不会告诉你这是什么意思。


Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who planted a piece of ce ry day. He went to the field to see the gwth of the seedlings. He saw that the young shoots were breaking thugh the soil day by day and gwing higher and higher.

But they were still the same. He felt that they were gwing too slowly, and he was impatient with the young plants. "How can these plants gw faster?" He left him in bed at night and couldn't sleep.

He suddenly thought of an idea. He had an idea. Instead of waiting for daybreak, he jumped out of bed and rushed to the fields in the moonlight.

He be to make seedlings one by one. After pulling out the seedlings, he pulled them up half an inch. It was already morning.

He said to himself contentedly, "what a good idea! How tall are these plants in one night?", He went home and told his son that he was in a elated tone that shocked his son. Now that the sun has sen, young people are heartbken to see all the tender grass pulled out. People now use "eight Miao Zhu Zhang" to descbe the behavior of people who are eager for success and only make things worse.

The idiom is a little like the English pverb "Haste makes less speed" to spoil things, with high enthusia.




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