
发布时间:2022-06-08 09:10:33 阅读:203 点赞:0


关于”考试优缺点“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of examination。以下是关于考试优缺点高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of examination

As for exams, I don't remember how many times I took them since I started school. To be honest, I don't like exams at all. I dare say, in fact, no students like exams.

We often hear people say that examinations are the magic weapon of teachers. So most of us may think that teachers give o students so many s, but I don't think they are all students before they become teachers We don't like exams, and o teachers don't like them. It can be reasonably inferred that the exams we take, the exams o students take.

I think if there is no entrance examination, o students will have so many examinations. All students can be pmoted to higher grades without competition. There will be less examinations in pmary and pmary schools.

I think it is becse of the of o country So it is very important and necessary to reform the entrance . Only in this way can we greatly reduce the number of examinations, and then all the students will be hr.




As for exams, I don't remember how many times I took them since I started school. To be honest, I don't like exams at all. I dare say, in fact, no students like exams.

We often hear people say that examinations are the magic weapon of teachers. So most of us may think that teachers give o students so many s, but I don't think they are all students before they become teachers We don't like exams, and o teachers don't like them. It can be reasonably inferred that the exams we take, the exams o students take.

I think if there is no entrance examination, o students will have so many examinations. All students can be pmoted to higher grades without competition. There will be less examinations in pmary and pmary schools.

I think it is becse of the of o country So it is very important and necessary to reform the entrance . Only in this way can we greatly reduce the number of examinations, and then all the students will be hr.




(about exams) I don't remember how many times I took exams since I went to school. To be honest, I don't like exams at all. I dare say, in fact, no student likes exams.

We often hear people say "examination is the magic weapon of teachers", so most of us may think that o teachers gave o students so many s, but I don't think they were all students before they became teachers. We don't like examinations and o teachers don't like them. It can be reasonably concluded that the exams we take, I think, if not Entrance examination, o students will have so many examinations, all students can be pmoted to a higher grade without competition, and there will be less examinations in pmary and pmary schools.

I think it is becse o national has given us so many examinations. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to reform the entrance . Only in this way can we greatly reduce the number of examinations And then all the students will be hr.





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