
发布时间:2022-06-17 10:40:26 阅读:149 点赞:0




As it drew me closer, the playgund seemed to glow with warmth. I looked at it, the warm sun shining on the hozontal bar, slide, sandbox, and, of cose, the swing. I walked to the swing, sat down, and felt that I could fly away fm the earth again, as if gravity could not pull you down.

I sat there and looked at the playgund outside gently, remembeng the innocent lghter and lovely ile when I was a child. I sighed Then I looked back at the playgund and decided to walk away.




Wet in the water, swimming like peeping companions in sleep, peepers cry, greedy eyes, their eyes look like peeping companions, looking for sleep voye, crying greedy eyes, elephant L wwwwwwwwwwwwwwpawpawww "" nose mouth teeth tongue mouth bad breath dnkers spit cough vomit legislation V leg is late legislation legislation legislation registration legislation negotiation n V bargaining camp sump campus is studying the dghter who lives on the island seously. Her name is betiful girl. She has a young face.

She remembers the people who live there and studies any magic book. At that time, the witches on the island all learned magic. The witches on the island obey orders.

The magic spits on the island are not ht in any form.


水里湿漉漉,游泳时候就像偷窥同伴在睡觉,偷窥者哭泣贪婪眼睛,他们眼睛看起来像偷窥同伴寻找睡眠偷窥者,哭泣贪婪眼睛,ele phant L wwwawwwwwwwpawwlaww”“鼻口牙齿舌头口唇口臭饮酒者吐痰咳嗽呕吐立法v腿是迟立法立法立法注册立法谈判n v讨价还价坎普萨姆普校园认真学习着岛上生活着女儿,她叫美丽女孩,年轻面孔,回忆着生活在那里人,研究着任何一魔法书,在那时候,岛上巫师们都学到了神奇魔法,岛上巫师们都服从命令,岛上魔法精灵们没有受到任何形式伤害。


Summer is a hot season. The temperate reaches the highest point in a year. All kinds of creates in nate radiate all their ener and activities, and all their gwth reaches their own peak.

In other words, the earth is full of vitality and vigor. It's a long day in summer. When we get off work ry day, after dinner, maybe there are still many people walking in the street after dinner, especially some elderly people.

Last night, I joined the walking army. For me, it's impossible for me to go out for a walk in the ning. When I walked for a while, I came to Connor by the side of a big square.

I heard a music singing. Many people were dancing there. Some people had a pink fan in their ght hand.

Some wore pink jackets and green slacks, and their clothes Clothes look very thin, like silk, dancing with music, one after another, their movements are so betiful, so elet, watching their performances, a kind of happy and relaxed feeling filled my heart. Although they are not as good as those pfessionals, as a kind of public entertainment, they have done well enough. Indeed, what is important is that their activities are finished It's all about enjoying yoself in a relaxing spare time, and it's good for their health wting here, I think of a famous song by Hong Kong singer Chen Huilin: what do you say? I'm very vague.

Only good music makes me hear clear language. Fm here, it doesn't work. Only the sense of rhythm can reach all parts of the world.

The world needs speed. You see, you see, what dominates the whole world is a big screen. Everyone's step is not as good as dancig, and chatting is not as good as Dan It's ryone's ability to make CIG feel comfortable.

It's better to keep dancing than to have love. No one feels lonely. It's better to dance without presse What pop songs? I remember how wonderful the melody of my college life was, and the memoes of dancing appeared in my mind like a movie.

How sweet it was to recall the golden years of o college life. I still remember the clumsy movements when I was dancing. I n remember the classic music named "Forr Fendship", a famous classic song.


夏天是一个炎热季节,温度达到xx年中最高点,自然界中各种生物都焕发出了它们全部能量和活动,所有生长都达到了它们自己顶峰,也就是说,大地充满了生机和活力。夏天一天很长,当我们每天下班,晚饭后,也许阳光下还是有很多人吃完饭后在街上散步,尤其是一些上了年纪人。昨天晚上我也加入了散步大军,对我来说,更不可能在傍晚出去散步了 当我走了一会儿,来到一个大广场旁边康纳,我听到一个音乐声在歌唱,许多人在那里跳舞,有些人右手拿着一把五颜六粉红扇子,有些人穿着粉红夹克和绿宽松裤,他们衣服看起来很薄,像丝绸一样,随着音乐跳舞,一个接一个,他们动作是如此美,如此优雅,观看他们表演,一种快乐轻松感觉充满了我心虽然他们比不上那些专业人士,但是作为一种大众娱乐活动,他们已经做得足够好了确实更重要是他们活动完全是为了在足够放松业余时间里享受自己,同时它对他们健康也有好处 在这里写作,我想到了一个歌星陈慧琳名曲:你说什么我很模糊,只有好音乐让我听到清晰语言从这里失去作用,只有节奏感才能联系到世界各地,世界各地,需要速度,你看,你看,全世界支配着是一个大屏幕上每个人脚步都不如dancig,聊天不如dancig让自己感觉舒服是每个人才能继续跳舞,谈情说爱不如跳舞这样相处,没有人感到孤独,没有压力不如跳舞 什么流行歌曲,我回忆起我大学生活是多么美妙旋律,那些跳舞记忆又像一样出现在我脑海里多么甜蜜回忆我们大学生活黄金岁月我仍然回忆起我起舞时笨拙动作,甚至我还记得那首名为《永远友谊》经典音乐,一首著名经典歌曲。


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